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Riga 47: Riga 47:     
On this page only the summary table of the measurement results is shown, for a direct comparison between the pens. The details of the individual measurements have been published (the first three ones are missing) in as many articles (italian only, sorry) on the forum, which you can find indexed at [ this address].
On this page only the summary table of the measurement results is shown, for a direct comparison between the pens. The details of the individual measurements have been published (the first three ones are missing) in as many articles (italian only, sorry) on the forum, which you can find indexed at [ this address].
Si tenga comunque presente che queste misure sono quelle ottenute utilizzando '''un''' esemplare del modello verificato, pertanto non possono tener conto delle possibili (e probabili) differenze fra esemplari diversi, derivanti da differenze costruttive o migliore o peggiore stato di conservazione del caricamento in caso di penne d'epoca. Per questo sarebbe necessario ripetere le misure con molti esemplari dello stesso modello, un lavoro oneroso che è possibile affrontare solo in maniera distribuita. Si resta pertanto a disposizione per la pubblicazione di altri risultati ottenuti con la stessa procedura, su altri esemplari dei modelli qui elencati.
For the results, look at the '''Capacity''' column for the total filling capacity of the pen, which therefore also includes how much remains trapped in the feeder (which is the one available in practice), if you want to make a fairer comparison with the contents of a cartridge, look at the '''Load''' column, which estimates how much is actually present in the tank.
For the results, look at the '''Capacity''' column for the total filling capacity of the pen, which therefore also includes how much remains trapped in the feeder (which is the one available in practice), if you want to make a fairer comparison with the contents of a cartridge, look at the '''Load''' column, which estimates how much is actually present in the tank.
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