Riga 12:
Riga 12:
The history of ''Williamson'' originates from Riccardo Amisani's acquisition of Ditta Motta, a well-established stationery shop at 42 Via Roma in Turin, in the early 1910s.<ref>At least since [[1915]], which we will take as the founding date, as seen in [[:File:1915-12-Waterman-Amisani.jpg|this advertisement]] in which it appears as [[Waterman]] agent for Turin and Piedmont.</ref>It is unclear when production of the first pens, some good quality [[safety]], actually began, but they were quite successful. The pens were branded ''"Williamson Fountain Pen,"'' with the logo of a flower in a circle, and the mention of a patent, No. 4497, dated 1912-01-21, a date curiously similar to that of Amisani's registration of the ''Williamson'' trademark except for the inversion of the last two digits of the year.<ref>The production of [[safeties]] and the use of this logo are further confirmation of the lack of relationship with the [[Williamson Pen Co. ]], of which no [[safety]] is known in the USA, and which never used this logo.</ref> At this early stage [[safety]] and later lever filler, inspired by similar American models, were marketed; at a later stage, celluloid [[flat tops]] models clearly inspired by the [[Duofold]] were produced.
The history of ''Williamson'' originates from Riccardo Amisani's acquisition of Ditta Motta, a well-established stationery shop at 42 Via Roma in Turin, in the early 1910s.<ref>At least since [[1915]], which we will take as the founding date, as seen in [[:File:1915-12-Waterman-Amisani.jpg|this advertisement]] in which it appears as [[Waterman]] agent for Turin and Piedmont.</ref>It is unclear when production of the first pens, some good quality [[safety]], actually began, but they were quite successful. The pens were branded ''"Williamson Fountain Pen,"'' with the logo of a flower in a circle, and the mention of a patent, No. 4497, dated 1912-01-21, a date curiously similar to that of Amisani's registration of the ''Williamson'' trademark except for the inversion of the last two digits of the year.<ref>The production of [[safeties]] and the use of this logo are further confirmation of the lack of relationship with the [[Williamson Pen Co. ]], of which no [[safety]] is known in the USA, and which never used this logo.</ref> At this early stage [[safety]] and later lever filler, inspired by similar American models, were marketed; at a later stage, celluloid [[flat tops]] models clearly inspired by the [[Duofold]] were produced.
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In 1921 Amisani registered on his name the ''Williamson'' trademark ({{Marchio|20926}}), to create an independent production under the name of ''"Società Anonima Penne a Serbatoio Williamson"''. A precise date for the company foundation is not known, but early 1930s are being indicated, with headquarters at 12 Via Principe Amedeo, Turin, but the registration of the trademark, and the indication given in [[:File:1939-AnnuarioIndustriale-ProvTO-p396.jpg|this page]] of the ''Annuario industriale della provincia di Torino'' (the reliability of which, however, in the presence of several inconsistencies, is not conclusive) make [[1921]] more likely. In the registration of the trademark, however, there is a reference to its transfer to a ''"Società Anonima Penne a Serbatoio"'' which took place in August [[1934]] that constitutes a definite limit to the company's existence with this name.
In 1921 Amisani registered on his name the ''Williamson'' trademark ({{Marchio|20926}}), to create an independent production under the name of ''"Società Anonima Penne a Serbatoio Williamson"''. A precise date for the company foundation is not known, but early 1930s are being indicated, with headquarters at 12 Via Principe Amedeo, Turin, but the registration of the trademark, and the indication given in [[:File:1939-AnnuarioIndustriale-ProvTO-p396.jpg|this page]] of the ''Annuario industriale della provincia di Torino'' (the reliability of which, however, in the presence of several inconsistencies, is not conclusive) make [[1921]] more likely. In the registration of the trademark, however, there is a reference to its transfer to a ''"Società Anonima Penne a Serbatoio"'' which took place in August [[1934]] that constitutes a definite limit to the company's existence with this name.
[[File:Williamson-Vac-RingedBrown-Capped.jpg|thumb|A [[Vacumatic]] like [[Williamson]]]]
[[File:Williamson-Vac-RingedBrown-Capped.jpg|thumb|A [[Vacumatic]] like [[Williamson]]]]