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== Dettagli ==
|Description=Pubblicità della [[Parker]]
|Source=Una pubblicità del 1942.
|Date=6 agosto 2011
|Author=[ Simone Piccardi]
|Giornale=The Saturday Evening Post
|Note_it=Pubblicizza il modello [[Advertised Model::Vacumatic]] nella versione ''Major'', citando anche le misure ''Sub-deb'' e ''Junior'' ($5.00), ''Debutante'' ($8.75) e ''Maxima'' ($10.00). Illustra la garanzia a vita ''"[[Advertised Feature::Blue diamond]]"'', la conformità del [[fermaglio]] ai [[Advertised Feature::military clip|regolamenti militari]] il caricamento ''[[Speedline]]'' denominato stavolta ''"[[Advertised Feature::One-Hand Super-Charging Filler]]"'' e menziona il fusto trasparente chiamato ''"[[Advertised Feature::Full Television Ink Supply]]"''. Piccolo riferimento al [[Advertised Feature::Quink]] come inchiostro pulente.
|Note_en=Advertising for the [[Vacumatic]] model ''Major'' size, mentioning also the ''Sub-deb'' and ''Junior'' ($5.00), ''Debutante'' ($8.75) and ''Maxima'' ($10.00) sizes. Advertise the ''"[[Blue diamond]]"'' life warranty, the conforming [[military clip]], the ''[[Speedline]]'' filler called this time ''"[[One-Hand Super-Charging Filler]]"'' and mention the transparent barrel called ''"[[Full Television Ink Supply]]"''. Tiny mention to [[Quink]] as cleaning ink.
@it|Scansione di una pubblicità [[Parker]] del 4 aprile 1942 per il modello  [[Vacumatic]]. Pubblicata su ''The Saturday Evening Post''. Ritoccata dall'autore per una maggiore nitidezza.
@en|Scanning of an April 4, 1942 [[Parker]] advertising for the [[Vacumatic]] model.  Published on ''The Saturday Evening Post''. Retouched by the author for a better sharpness.
[[Category:Parker Ads]]
[[Category:US Ads]]

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