
Creata pagina con 'Having overcome the unlucky period of Second War II, Mallat was one of the first european companies to realize the potential of injection plastics and began to shift produ...'
Having overcome the unlucky period of Second War II, [[Mallat]] was one of the first european companies to realize the potential of injection plastics and began to shift production from [[celluloid]] to it. In 1943 the plastic made [[Plexigraf]] series was introduced, again a [[button filler]]. It was followed the next year by the [[Plexigraf|Junior Plexigraf]] for the women and student market. The [[Plexigraf]] model will be produced for all the '40s in different versions, from the first one of 1943, named [[Plexigraf|Plexigraf 14]], to new models like the [[Plexigraf|Plexigraf 225]] and the [[Plexigraf|Plexigraf 315]], always made of black plastic to the coloured [[Plexicolor]] series introduced in 1946.