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Versione delle 02:18, 15 dic 2018

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Definizione del messaggio (Aikin Lambert)
La ''Aikin Lambert'' iniziò a produrre una propria linea di penne nel [[1890]] circa. Si trattava di buone penne di realizzazione convenzionale con [[caricamento a contagocce]], costruite in ebanite cesellata o in ebanite fiammata. Erano invece di particolare pregio i modelli realizzati con rivestimenti in metalli preziosi (argento ed oro), che rientrano senza dubbio fra le penne di maggiore qualità prodotte in quel periodo. In genere i prodotti della ''Aikin Lambert'' si riconoscono per la presenza della sigla ''A.L.Co''.
TraduzioneThe [[Aikin Lambert]] began to produce its own line of pens in about [[1890]]. These were good pens of conventional construction with [[dropper loading]], made of chiseled hard rubber or mottled hard rubber. The models made with precious metals (silver and gold), which were undoubtedly among the highest quality pens produced in that period, were particularly valuable. In general, the products of [[Aikin Lambert]] are recognized by the presence of the initials ''A.L.Co''.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

The Aikin Lambert began to produce its own line of pens in about 1890. These were good pens of conventional construction with dropper loading, made of chiseled hard rubber or mottled hard rubber. The models made with precious metals (silver and gold), which were undoubtedly among the highest quality pens produced in that period, were particularly valuable. In general, the products of Aikin Lambert are recognized by the presence of the initials A.L.Co.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator