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Versione delle 02:19, 15 dic 2018

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Definizione del messaggio (Aikin Lambert)
Agli inizi del secolo la ''Aikin Lambert'' iniziò produrre alcuni modelli a riempimento automatico, a partire da modelli [[Safety]], e sperimentando poi vari altri sistemi di riempimento; produssero una penna con [[caricamento a fiammifero]] dotata di una clip staccabile che poteva essere usata per il riempimento, nel [[1907]] introdussero una penna che usava una sorta di [[caricamento a pompetta]], ed utilizzarono, come la [[Waterman]] anche lo [[sleeve filler]].
TraduzioneAt the beginning of the century [[Aikin Lambert]] started to produce some automatic filling models, starting from [[safety]] models, and then experimenting with various other filling systems; they produced [[match filler]] pen with equipped with a detachable clip that could be used for filling, in [[1907]] they introduced a pen that used a sort of [[pump filler]], and they used, like [[Waterman]], also the [[sleeve filler]].

At the beginning of the century Aikin Lambert started to produce some automatic filling models, starting from safety models, and then experimenting with various other filling systems; they produced match filler pen with equipped with a detachable clip that could be used for filling, in 1907 they introduced a pen that used a sort of pump filler, and they used, like Waterman, also the sleeve filler.