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Riga 13: Riga 14:  
Uploading a file or an image is very simple; the first step is to connect to the site by clicking on the "Login" link at the top right since only registered users are allowed to insert files.  In the left bar there is a toolbar where the link "Upload a file" appears, which is the one that allows you to enter a file. You can also use the link in the box next on the right.
Uploading a file or an image is very simple; the first step is to connect to the site by clicking on the "Login" link at the top right since only registered users are allowed to insert files.  In the left bar there is a toolbar where the link "Upload a file" appears, which is the one that allows you to enter a file. You can also use the link in the box next on the right.
Clicking on it you are sent to a page divided into three parts, the first contains a line to enter the name of the file with the next button '''browse''' that allows you to search for it on your disk. Once selected the file will appear a preview. Only certain file formats are allowed, and the system will notice if the file you want to upload has already been loaded with another name.
Clicking on it you are sent to a page divided into three parts, the first contains a line to enter the name of the file with the next button '''browse''' that allows you to search for it on your disk. Once selected the file will appear a preview. Only certain file formats are allowed, and the system will notice if the file you want to upload has already been loaded with another name.
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Below another line allows you to enter the name of the file as it will appear on the site: it is this name that will be referred to in the pages of the wiki, and that is what you refer to in the other pages of explanations listed below. Keep in mind that uppercase always count, apart from the initial letter. So a '''.JPG''' is different from a ''.jpg'''.
Below another line allows you to enter the name of the file as it will appear on the site: it is this name that will be referred to in the pages of the wiki, and that is what you refer to in the other pages of explanations listed below. Keep in mind that uppercase always count, apart from the initial letter. So a '''.JPG''' is different from a ''.jpg'''.
Infine l'ultima parte prevede un campo di testo in cui inserire il codice wiki per la pagina associata al file. Per quest'ultimo si può fare riferimento a quello contenuto in una qualsiasi altra pagina analoga del sito ma di nuovo maggiori dettagli sono riportati più avanti.
Infine l'ultima parte prevede un campo di testo in cui inserire il codice wiki per la pagina associata al file. Per quest'ultimo si può fare riferimento a quello contenuto in una qualsiasi altra pagina analoga del sito ma di nuovo maggiori dettagli sono riportati più avanti.
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