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Versione attuale delle 01:28, 13 ago 2019

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Definizione del messaggio (Safety filler)
Il sistema prevede che, fatto rientrare il pennino nel corpo della penna, quest'ultimo diventi accessibile per il riempimento, da effettuare tramite il solito contagocce, e con gli stessi problemi (escluso quello del riporre il gruppo pennino in luogo sicuro) visti in precedenza. In questo caso si ha meno volume disponibile per l'inchiostro, essendo l'interno del fusto occupato anche dal meccanismo, ma comunque sempre più che sufficiente. Per poter usare la penna basterà riutilizzare il meccanismo alla rovescia per riportare il pennino in posizione di lavoro, facendolo uscire dal corpo della penna.
TraduzioneThe system involves that, after inserting the nib into the body of the pen, the latter becomes accessible for filling, to be done with the usual eyedropper, and with the same problems (except that of storing the nib group in a safe place) as previously seen. In this case there is less volume available for the ink, as the inside of the barrel is also occupied by the mechanism, but always more than enough. To use the pen, simply reuse the mechanism in reverse to return the nib to the working position, making it come out of the body of the pen.

The system involves that, after inserting the nib into the body of the pen, the latter becomes accessible for filling, to be done with the usual eyedropper, and with the same problems (except that of storing the nib group in a safe place) as previously seen. In this case there is less volume available for the ink, as the inside of the barrel is also occupied by the mechanism, but always more than enough. To use the pen, simply reuse the mechanism in reverse to return the nib to the working position, making it come out of the body of the pen.