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Versione delle 15:53, 16 ago 2019

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Definizione del messaggio (Crescent filler)
<noinclude>{{ReferBox|Sistemi di caricamento}}</noinclude>Il primo sistema di caricamento automatico veramente efficiente e funzionale basato sulla compressione di un serbatoio in gomma è stato il famoso ''crescent filler'', ideato da ''Roy [[Conklin]]'' che lo brevettò nel 1901 ({{Cite patent|US|685258}}), che venne introdotto sul mercato dalla omonima ditta da lui fondata, primo esempio del successo di una marca dovuto all'invenzione di un meccanismo di caricamento innovativo.
TraduzioneThe first truly efficient and functional automatic filling system based on the compression of a rubber tank was the famous ''crescent filler'', designed by Roy [[Conklin]]' who patented it in 1901 ({{Cite patent|US|685258}}), which was introduced to the market by the company of the same name founded by him, the first example of the success of a brand due to the invention of an innovative filling mechanism.

The first truly efficient and functional automatic filling system based on the compression of a rubber tank was the famous crescent filler, designed by Roy Conklin' who patented it in 1901 (nº US-685258), which was introduced to the market by the company of the same name founded by him, the first example of the success of a brand due to the invention of an innovative filling mechanism.