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Versione attuale delle 19:36, 26 ago 2019

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Definizione del messaggio (Twist filler)
Benché presenti alcuni vantaggi rispetto al tradizionale [[caricamento a levetta]], come una maggiore semplicità meccanica ed il pregio dal punto di vista estetico di non necessitare di una apertura laterale sul corpo della penna, il principale difetto di questo sistema, che ne decretò il sostanziale insuccesso, era la maggiore facilità con cui il serbatoio in gomma poteva rompersi a causa del notevole sforzo imposto sullo stesso dalla torsione.
TraduzioneAlthough it has some advantages compared to the traditional [[lever filler]], such as greater mechanical simplicity and the aesthetic merit of not needing a lateral opening on the body of the pen, the main defect of this system, which decreed its substantial failure, was the greater ease with which the rubber tank could break due to the considerable effort imposed on it by the torsion.

Although it has some advantages compared to the traditional lever filler, such as greater mechanical simplicity and the aesthetic merit of not needing a lateral opening on the body of the pen, the main defect of this system, which decreed its substantial failure, was the greater ease with which the rubber tank could break due to the considerable effort imposed on it by the torsion.