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Riga 1: Riga 1:
[[Aurora]] has been one of the first Italian fountain pens manufacturers and contend to [[Montegrappa]] and [[Tibaldi]] the title of being the first Italian fountain pen factory. The company was founded in Turin in 1919 by ''Isaia Levi'', and it is still present on the market as an independent producer of writing instruments.
''Aurora'' has been one of the first Italian fountain pens manufacturers and between the oldest Italian company operating in this field. Among the countless small fountain pens manufacturers born at the beginning of the century, ''Aurora'' has been able to lead in production quality and industrial initiative, becoming a company that can contend the rival [[OMAS]] the title of the biggest producer of Italy.

Versione attuale delle 16:32, 23 ago 2021

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Definizione del messaggio (Aurora)
La ''Aurora'' è uno dei più importanti e prestigiosi produttori italiani di stilografiche ed è anche una delle più antiche aziende italiane ad operare in questo campo. Fra gli innumerevoli piccoli costruttori di penne stilografiche nati agli inizi del secolo, la ''Aurora'' ha saputo primeggiare per qualità della produzione ed iniziativa industriale, diventando una grande azienda capace di contendere alla rivale [[OMAS]] il titolo di principale produttore italiano.
Traduzione''Aurora'' has been one of the first Italian fountain pens manufacturers and between the oldest Italian company operating in this field. Among the countless small fountain pens manufacturers born at the beginning of the century, ''Aurora'' has been able to lead in production quality and industrial initiative, becoming a company that can contend the rival [[OMAS]] the title of the biggest producer of Italy.

Aurora has been one of the first Italian fountain pens manufacturers and between the oldest Italian company operating in this field. Among the countless small fountain pens manufacturers born at the beginning of the century, Aurora has been able to lead in production quality and industrial initiative, becoming a company that can contend the rival OMAS the title of the biggest producer of Italy.