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== Dettagli ==
|Description=Una [[Columbus Extra 98]]
|Source=Foto originale
|Modello=Columbus Extra N. 98
|Note_it=Versione iniziale ''[[flat top]]''.
|Note_en=Fist ''[[flat top]]'' version.
Foto di una [[Photographed Brand::Columbus]] [[Photographed Model::Columbus_Extra_98|Extra 98]] versione ''[[flat top]]'' in [[ebanite fiammata]] con [[spoon filler|caricamento a cucchiaio]]. {{FotoPart|filler}} {{ContribBy|fabbale}}
Photo of a [[Columbus]] [[Columbus_Extra_98|Extra 98]] model, ''[[flat top]]'' [[spoon filler]] version, in mottled hard rubber. {{PhotoPart|filler}}
[[Category:Columbus Photos]]

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