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Versione delle 18:02, 1 gen 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Parker)
Nel [[1929]] i profitti che fino allora erano stati enormi subirono un ripido crollo, molti produttori fallirono ed altri si ritrovarono a svendere le proprie penne. La [[Parker]] che aveva impiegato anni a stabilire il suo marchio decise di non svalutare le sue penne e mantenne i prezzi elevati per la [[Duofold]], per rispondere alla concorrenza però nel [[1932]] introdusse sul mercato anche una serie di modelli economici, di tipo scolastico, per i quali non fece nessuna pubblicità. Questi modelli non ebbero assegnato un nome e vengono usualmente indicati dai collezionisti come [[Thrift Time]], o ''[[Parker depression pen|depression pen]]''.
TraduzioneIn 1929 the profits that were enormous suffered a steep fall, many producers failed and others had to sell off their pens at low prices. [[Parker]], that taken years to establish its brand, decided not to devalue his pens, and kept prices high for the [[Duofold]], but in order to compete in 1932 introduced a range of economic models, school-type, for which they did no advertising. These models did not have a name and are usually indicated by collectors as [[Thrift Time]], or ''[[Parker depression pen|depression pen]]''.

In 1929 the profits that were enormous suffered a steep fall, many producers failed and others had to sell off their pens at low prices. Parker, that taken years to establish its brand, decided not to devalue his pens, and kept prices high for the Duofold, but in order to compete in 1932 introduced a range of economic models, school-type, for which they did no advertising. These models did not have a name and are usually indicated by collectors as Thrift Time, or depression pen.