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Versione delle 15:13, 12 feb 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Stiassi e Tantini)
Le attività della ''Stiassi e Tantini'' restarono comunque prevalentemente nel settore della cancelleria e la ditta restò fino al [[1924]] rappresentante esclusivo delle macchine da scrivere ''Woodstok'' per l'Italia. La produzione di stilografiche venne presumibilmente realizzata con il marchio [[The Scotland]], anche se c'è chi ritiene che questo sia stato usato prevalentemente per la marchiatura di penne prodotte da altri (presumibilmente la [[Omas]] e la [[Montegrappa]]).
TraduzioneThe ''Stiassi e Tantini'' activities remained predominantly in the field of the stationery commerce and the firm was until 1924 the only representative for Italy of ''Woodstok'' typewriters. The fountain pens production was presumably stared with the brand [[The Scotland]], although some believe that this brand has been primarily used for marking pens produced by others (presumably [[OMAS]] and [[ Montegrappa]]).

The Stiassi e Tantini activities remained predominantly in the field of the stationery commerce and the firm was until 1924 the only representative for Italy of Woodstok typewriters. The fountain pens production was presumably stared with the brand The Scotland, although some believe that this brand has been primarily used for marking pens produced by others (presumably OMAS and Montegrappa).