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Versione delle 20:08, 3 mar 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Carter)
I tratti distintivi delle penne prodotte dalla [[Carter]] erano l'eleganza, l'eccellenza tecnica ed un confezionamento di altissima qualità, comune a quello che aveva favorito il successo dei suoi inchiostri, che distingueva i prodotti dell'azienda. Essendo state prodotte per pochi anni le stilografiche [[Carter]] sono molto ricercate dai collezionisti, inoltre dato che la celluloide utilizzata nella produzione è suscettibile a facile scolorimento, i modelli in buone condizioni sono ancor più rari e possono raggiungere prezzi molto elevati.
TraduzioneThe distinguishing features of [[Carter]] pens were elegance, technical excellence and high quality packaging, common to the features that had fostered the success of its inks. Having been in the fountain pen market for just a few years, [[Carter]] pens are much sought by collectors, also because the celluloid used in their production is easily susceptible to discoloration, the models in good condition are even more rare and can reach very high prices.

The distinguishing features of Carter pens were elegance, technical excellence and high quality packaging, common to the features that had fostered the success of its inks. Having been in the fountain pen market for just a few years, Carter pens are much sought by collectors, also because the celluloid used in their production is easily susceptible to discoloration, the models in good condition are even more rare and can reach very high prices.