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Versione delle 02:28, 7 mar 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Conklin)
La [[Conklin]] ebbe il massimo del suo successo agli inizi del secolo, quando divenne leader del mercato delle stilografiche grazie all'innovativo [[Crescent Filler]], ma non seppe stare al passo dei concorrenti nelle successive innovazioni, e benché anche negli anni successivi abbia prodotto penne di indubbio valore e ottima qualità, ancor oggi molto ricercate dai collezionisti, dopo il successo iniziale non è più stata capace di porsi all'avanguardia, perdendo progressivamente quote di mercato e restando costantemente indietro rispetto alle [[Big Four]].{{Infobox_Marca|Conklin}}{{BrandData|Founder=Roy Conklin|Date=1898|Place=Toledo, Ohio|Country=US|Fullname=Self-Filling Fountain Pen Company|Closing=1948}}
== Storia ==
TraduzioneThe [[Conklin]] had the maximum of its success at the beginning of the '900, when it became the market leader thanks to the [[Crescent Filler]], but was not able to keep up with competitors in subsequent innovations, and although in the subsequent years it produced pens of undoubted value and excellent quality, still much sought by collectors,  success the company was no longer been able to innovate, gradually losing market share and remaining constantly behind the [[Big Four]].{{Infobox_Brand|Conklin}}

The Conklin had the maximum of its success at the beginning of the '900, when it became the market leader thanks to the Crescent Filler, but was not able to keep up with competitors in subsequent innovations, and although in the subsequent years it produced pens of undoubted value and excellent quality, still much sought by collectors, success the company was no longer been able to innovate, gradually losing market share and remaining constantly behind the Big Four.

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