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Versione delle 02:32, 7 mar 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Conklin)
Infatti benché fosse funzionale ed efficiente, il [[Crescent Filler]] aveva il suo peggior difetto nell'essere poco gradevole dal punto di vista estetico, e nonostante una forte campagna promozionale che ne sottolineava i pregi (Mark Twain, preso come ''testimonial'', ne elogiava il vantaggio di non consentire alla penna di rotolare giù dal tavolo) con la comparsa delle penne con [[caricamento a levetta]] le vendite iniziarono a declinare sempre più, nonostante queste fossero inferiori dal punto di vista strettamente tecnico.
TraduzioneIn fact, although functional and efficient, the [[Crescent Filler]] had its worst flaw in being unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, and despite a strong promotional campaign that emphasized its merits (Mark Twain, taken as testimonial, endorsed the advantage of it not allowing the pen to roll down from the table) with the appearance of [[lever filler]] pens the sales began to decline increasingly, despite that the new mechanism was inferior from a purely technical point of view.

In fact, although functional and efficient, the Crescent Filler had its worst flaw in being unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, and despite a strong promotional campaign that emphasized its merits (Mark Twain, taken as testimonial, endorsed the advantage of it not allowing the pen to roll down from the table) with the appearance of lever filler pens the sales began to decline increasingly, despite that the new mechanism was inferior from a purely technical point of view.