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Versione delle 02:34, 7 mar 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Conklin)
L'azienda perseguì nel suo declino e nel [[1938]] tutti i beni della [[Conklin]] vennero ceduti alla ''Chicago Interests''. L'anno successivo gli impianti di Toledo vennero chiusi e la produzione venne spostata a Chicago. I modelli precedenti rimasero in produzione ma durante la guerra vennero prodotte poche penne. In seguito la produzione continuò a spostarsi su penne sempre più economiche e di fascia bassa, per finire con una penna a sfera di basso costo. Benché alcune di queste penne, come la [[Glider]], restino di interesse collezionistico, la produzione della [[Conklin]] si ridusse progressivamente di qualità e quantità, per cessare completamente nel [[1948]] (o [[1955]]?).
TraduzioneThe company was still declining and in 1938 all the [[Conklin]] assets were transferred to the investor group ''Chicago Interests''. The following year Toledo plants were closed and the production was moved to Chicago. The previous models remained in production during the war but few pens were produced. In the following years the production continued to move towards the low end of the market with economic fountain pens to and a low cost ballpoint. Although some of these models, like the [[Glider]], have some collectors interest, the [[Conklin]] production progressively reduced in quality and quantity, to completely cease in 1948 (or 1955?).

The company was still declining and in 1938 all the Conklin assets were transferred to the investor group Chicago Interests. The following year Toledo plants were closed and the production was moved to Chicago. The previous models remained in production during the war but few pens were produced. In the following years the production continued to move towards the low end of the market with economic fountain pens to and a low cost ballpoint. Although some of these models, like the Glider, have some collectors interest, the Conklin production progressively reduced in quality and quantity, to completely cease in 1948 (or 1955?).