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Versione attuale delle 00:50, 9 mar 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Conway Stewart)
La nascita della [[Conway Stewart]] viene fatta risalire al 1905. L'azienda si inserì in un mercato inglese che all'epoca vedeva già la presenza di vari produttori locali, e deve il suo successo ad una precisa scelta imprenditoriale, quella di produrre prodotti affidabili ad un prezzo ridotto, che consentisse di raggiungere un pubblico più ampio.  Benché l'azienda non si sia mai distinta per particolari innovazioni tecnologiche, le sue penne erano di buona qualità, affidabili e di buon prezzo, per questo ebbero un grande successo, distinguendosi in particolare per l'enorme varietà di colori nei quali sono state prodotte.
TraduzioneThe birth of [[Conway Stewart]] is traced back to 1905. The company entered the British market that already saw the presence of several local producers, and owes its success to a clear market choice: to produce reliable products at a small price, which would reach a more wide public. Although the company has never distinguished itself for technological innovations, its pens were good, reliable and reasonably priced, so they had a great success, and their most preminent characteristic was the enormous variety of colors in which they were produced.

The birth of Conway Stewart is traced back to 1905. The company entered the British market that already saw the presence of several local producers, and owes its success to a clear market choice: to produce reliable products at a small price, which would reach a more wide public. Although the company has never distinguished itself for technological innovations, its pens were good, reliable and reasonably priced, so they had a great success, and their most preminent characteristic was the enormous variety of colors in which they were produced.