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Versione delle 12:20, 19 mar 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Bayard)
All'inizio degli anni '50 le linee stilistiche si uniformarono e le varie serie assunsero una forma più affine; si passò a modelli completamente affusolati perdendo le estremità coniche. In questo stesso periodo nacquero altri modelli come la [[Bayard 2000]] ed una nuova versione della [[Niveauclair]], insieme a questa vennero anche prodotti alcuni modelli con [[caricamento a pompetta]] come l'''Excelsior 507'' o con [[caricamento a fisarmonica]] (il brevetto della [[Stylomine]] era ormai scaduto) o come il modello [[Fit]].
TraduzioneDuring the '50s the company underwent a continuous decline in sales caused by the growing market share of the ballpoint pen. [[Bayard]] try a revival in 1956 with the [[Souverain de Luxe]] model, a streamlined pen, with [[hooded nib|covered nib]] and [[accordion filler]], produced with a metal cap. But at the time the writing instruments market was dominated by ballpoint pens; smaller models were introduced, such as the [[Bayard 20]], the [[Bayard 30]] and the [[Karting]], a [[cartridge filler]], but the decline continued relentlessly until the final closure in the mid of '70s.

During the '50s the company underwent a continuous decline in sales caused by the growing market share of the ballpoint pen. Bayard try a revival in 1956 with the Souverain de Luxe model, a streamlined pen, with covered nib and accordion filler, produced with a metal cap. But at the time the writing instruments market was dominated by ballpoint pens; smaller models were introduced, such as the Bayard 20, the Bayard 30 and the Karting, a cartridge filler, but the decline continued relentlessly until the final closure in the mid of '70s.