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Versione delle 13:15, 14 apr 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Stilus)
La produzione iniziale fino agli anni '20 è costituita principalmente da penne in [[ebanite]] con [[caricamento a contagocce]] o [[safety]] analoghi alla produzione contemporanea, realizzate con vari motivi ondulati ed anche in versioni fiammate e con colorazioni particolari. Sono però presenti alcuni modelli [[rientranti]] diversi in cui si fa riferimento ad un brevetto ({{Cite patent|DE|368196}}) per il montaggio della spirale interna presente in alcuni di essi, che viene agganciata sul fondello tramite una vite. In questo caso viene riportato una dicitura a tre linee ''Brevetto'', ''Stilus'', ''Pecco e C. Torino'' sul corpo e sul fondello compare, oltre al marchio ed al numero del modello pure la dicitura ''Brevettata''.
TraduzioneThe initial production until the late '20s consists mostly of safety or eyedropper pens in hard rubber, style and construction was similar to the other contemporary production. They were made ​​with wavy patterns and there are also some versions in distinctive color and mottled hard rubber. There are however some different safety models that refers to a specific patent for mounting the inner spiral, which is hooked by a screw on the bottom. These models have are marked in the barrel with an inscriptions reporting in three lines ''Brevetto'', ''Stilus'', ''Pecco e C. Torino'', and in the bottom, there is another inscription reporting the word ''Brevettata'' (patented) in addition to the brand name and model number.

The initial production until the late '20s consists mostly of safety or eyedropper pens in hard rubber, style and construction was similar to the other contemporary production. They were made ​​with wavy patterns and there are also some versions in distinctive color and mottled hard rubber. There are however some different safety models that refers to a specific patent for mounting the inner spiral, which is hooked by a screw on the bottom. These models have are marked in the barrel with an inscriptions reporting in three lines Brevetto, Stilus, Pecco e C. Torino, and in the bottom, there is another inscription reporting the word Brevettata (patented) in addition to the brand name and model number.