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Versione delle 13:19, 14 apr 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Stilus)
Nel corso degli anni '30 lo stile iniziò ad essere rivisto, con l'abbandono della clip a pallina e l'adozione di linee più affusolate. Anche la produzione della [[Stilus]] seguì la moda introdotta dalla [[Omas Extra]], con penne sfaccettate e clip a rotellina, imitazione dello stile della [[Doric]] della [[Eversharp]], che contraddistingue praticamente tutta la produzione italiana di quel periodo. Vennero prodotte in questo periodo le penne in [[celluloide]] sfaccettata con [[caricamento a levetta]] denominate ''[[Stilus Automatica|Automatica]]''.
TraduzioneDuring the '30s the design began to be revised, with the abandonment of the ball clip to the adoption of more streamlined lines. The [[Stilus]] production followed the trend introduced by the [[Omas Extra]], with wheel clip and faceted pens, imitating the design of the [[Eversharp]] [[Doric]], which characterizes virtually all the Italian production of that period. In this period were produced lever filler celluloid models named ''Automatica''.

During the '30s the design began to be revised, with the abandonment of the ball clip to the adoption of more streamlined lines. The Stilus production followed the trend introduced by the Omas Extra, with wheel clip and faceted pens, imitating the design of the Eversharp Doric, which characterizes virtually all the Italian production of that period. In this period were produced lever filler celluloid models named Automatica.