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m (FuzzyBot ha spostato la pagina Translations:Fabbrica Italiana Penne a Serbatoio Aurora/29/en a Translations:Aurora/29/en senza lasciare redirect: Part of translatable page Fabbrica Italiana Penne a Serbatoio Aurora.)

Versione delle 19:42, 23 giu 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Aurora)
La [[Aurora 88|88]] era dotata di un [[caricamento a stantuffo]] molto avanzato, con una filettatura differenziale, la penna era realizzata con un cappuccio metallico (in metallo placcato oro o di una lega di nickel e argento chiamata ''[[Nikargenta]]'') con innesto ad incastro. Il corpo era in celluloide con una sezione trasparente, mentre il fondello era in ebanite. La penna era tecnologicamente e qualitativamente molto più avanzata di una [[Parker 51|51]], la sola parte realizzata a stampo era la guaina del pennino, dotato a sua volta di un sistema di alimentazione sofisticato che consentiva un afflusso regolare dell'inchiostro.
TraduzioneThe [[88]] model was equipped with a very advanced [[piston filler]], with differential threads. The pen was made with a metal cap in both gold-plated metal or using an alloy of nickel and silver called ''[[Nikargenta]]''. The body was in celluloid with a transparent section, while the handle of the piston was in hard rubber. The [[88]] was qualitatively and technologically far more advanced than a [[51]], the only plastic part was the sheath of the nib, and the feeder had a sophisticated supply system which allowed a regular ink flux.

The 88 model was equipped with a very advanced piston filler, with differential threads. The pen was made with a metal cap in both gold-plated metal or using an alloy of nickel and silver called Nikargenta. The body was in celluloid with a transparent section, while the handle of the piston was in hard rubber. The 88 was qualitatively and technologically far more advanced than a 51, the only plastic part was the sheath of the nib, and the feeder had a sophisticated supply system which allowed a regular ink flux.