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Versione delle 14:57, 7 ott 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Esterbrook)
L'azienda operò per i primi due anni con il nome di ''United States Steel Pen Manufacturing Company'', per diventare nel [[1858]] la ''Esterbrook Steel Pen Manufacturing Company''. Le attività ebbero un grande successo tanto che alla fine del 1900 essa era considerata, insieme alla ''[[Perry]] & Co.'' (più nota in seguito come ''Osmiroid'') il principale produttore di pennini del mondo. Nel [[1896]] l'azienda si lanciò sul mercato inglese.
TraduzioneThe company operated for the first two years under the name of ''United States Steel Pen Manufacturing Company''; in 1858 it become the ''Esterbrook Steel Pen Manufacturing Company''. The company activities were a great success so that at the end of 1900 ''Esterbrook'' was considered, along with Perry & Co. (better known as Osmiroid), the largest nib manufacturer of the world. In 1896 the company launched itself in the British market.

The company operated for the first two years under the name of United States Steel Pen Manufacturing Company; in 1858 it become the Esterbrook Steel Pen Manufacturing Company. The company activities were a great success so that at the end of 1900 Esterbrook was considered, along with Perry & Co. (better known as Osmiroid), the largest nib manufacturer of the world. In 1896 the company launched itself in the British market.