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Versione delle 20:13, 12 gen 2013

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Definizione del messaggio (Omas)
Nella sua vita la [[OMAS]] si è contraddistinta per una notevole capacità di innovazione tecnica e qualità produttiva, risultando probabilmente in questo superiore a qualunque altra azienda italiana. Non si può dire però che abbia particolarmente brillato per capacità di innovazione stilistica, perché tutte le sue penne più famose, per quanto spesso più belle e qualitativamente superiori agli originali, mostrano sempre in maniera evidente un forte tasso di imitazione delle caratteristiche stilistiche di penne di altre marche. Nonostante questo la qualità assoluta dei prodotti [[OMAS]], la capacità di creare imitazioni migliori degli originali, ed in particolare la raffinatezza dei modelli in celluloide, rende le penne di questa marca fra le più ricercate dai collezionisti.{{Infobox_Marca|Omas}}{{BrandData|Founder=Armando Simoni|Place=Bologna|Date=1925|Country=IT|Fullname=Officine Meccaniche Armando Simoni}}
== Storia ==
TraduzioneIn its activities [[OMAS]] has been characterized by a remarkable capacity for technical innovation and product quality, resulting probably from these point of view better than any other Italian company. It cannot be said, however, that it has particularly excelled for innovation in design, because all its most famous models, also if they often are better quality than the originals, always show in a clear manner a high rate of imitation of the stylistic features of other brands models. Despite this, the quality of the [[OMAS]] production, the ability to create imitations that are better than the originals, and in particular the refinement of its celluloid models makes this brand one of the most sought after by collectors. {{Infobox_Brand|Omas}}

In its activities OMAS has been characterized by a remarkable capacity for technical innovation and product quality, resulting probably from these point of view better than any other Italian company. It cannot be said, however, that it has particularly excelled for innovation in design, because all its most famous models, also if they often are better quality than the originals, always show in a clear manner a high rate of imitation of the stylistic features of other brands models. Despite this, the quality of the OMAS production, the ability to create imitations that are better than the originals, and in particular the refinement of its celluloid models makes this brand one of the most sought after by collectors.

Brand pages
Brand advertising
Brand photos
Instructions sheet
Other documents
