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Versione delle 21:54, 12 gen 2013

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Definizione del messaggio (Omas)
Benché la [[Omas Extra]] sia molto simile alla [[Doric]], introdotta pochi mesi prima, la questione se si tratti di una imitazione di quest'ultima è comunque controversa, dato che il tempo intercorso è piuttosto breve. Gli estimatori della [[Omas]] sostengono che, dato il breve tempo intercorso fra l'uscita delle due penne, non sarebbe stato possibile creare gli impianti produttivi se la [[Omas Extra]] fosse stata una imitazione della [[Doric]], ma non esistono informazioni di supporto a tale affermazione mentre ci sono ampie conferme sulla tendenza dell'azienda a imitare i modelli americani. Indipendentemente dal fatto che possa essere considerata una imitazione o meno, la [[Extra]], per qualità di materiali e di lavorazione, si può senza dubbio ritenere assolutamente al pari, se non spesso superiore, rispetto ai modelli cui può essersi ispirata. La penna inoltre riscosse un successo enorme e rimase in produzione fino al [[1946]], sia pure con variazioni stilistiche minori, come la creazione di una versione liscia e il passaggio ad una decorazione a tre anelli al posto della vera grecata.
TraduzioneAlthough the [[Omas Extra]] is very similar to [[Doric]], introduced a few months earlier, the question whether it is an imitation is still controversial, since the elapsed time is rather short. The [[OMAS]] fans argue that, given the short time between the release of the two pens, it would not have been possible to create production facilities if the [[Omas Extra]] had been a  [[Doric]] imitation, but there is no information to support this statement while there are ample confirmation for the [[OMAS]] tendency to imitate American models. Regardless of whether it can be considered an imitation or not the [[Omas Extra]] for its quality of materials and workmanship, can be considered of equivalent, if not higher, quality than the model to which it may be have inspired. The pen also had a huge success and remained in production until 1946, albeit with minor stylistic changes, such as creating a smooth version and the transition to a decorative three-ring instead of the greek band.

Although the Omas Extra is very similar to Doric, introduced a few months earlier, the question whether it is an imitation is still controversial, since the elapsed time is rather short. The OMAS fans argue that, given the short time between the release of the two pens, it would not have been possible to create production facilities if the Omas Extra had been a Doric imitation, but there is no information to support this statement while there are ample confirmation for the OMAS tendency to imitate American models. Regardless of whether it can be considered an imitation or not the Omas Extra for its quality of materials and workmanship, can be considered of equivalent, if not higher, quality than the model to which it may be have inspired. The pen also had a huge success and remained in production until 1946, albeit with minor stylistic changes, such as creating a smooth version and the transition to a decorative three-ring instead of the greek band.