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Versione delle 16:17, 18 ago 2013

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Definizione del messaggio (Tabo Trasparente)
Seguendo la tendenza stilistica della [[Vacumatic]] vennero anche prodotte (ma sono considerate successive) versioni caratterizzate da decorazioni metalliche sulla cima del cappuccio e sul fondello, dotati di ''[[jewel|tasselli]]'' conici del tutto analoghi a quelli presenti sul famoso modello della [[Parker]]. In questo caso la clip era montata a vite sulla sommità del cappucci grazie al tassello stesso. Questi modelli presentano solo la decorazione a tre verette sottili sul cappuccio.
TraduzioneFollowing the [[Vacumatic]] stylistic trend were also produced some versions featuring metal decorations at the cap and barrel ends, with conical [[jewel]]s entirely similar to those found on the more famous [[Parker] model. In this case, the clip was screw mounted on cap using the [[jewel]]. These models have only three thin rings as decoration on the cap.

Following the Vacumatic stylistic trend were also produced some versions featuring metal decorations at the cap and barrel ends, with conical jewels entirely similar to those found on the more famous [[Parker] model. In this case, the clip was screw mounted on cap using the jewel. These models have only three thin rings as decoration on the cap.