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Versione delle 23:15, 30 mar 2014

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Definizione del messaggio (Stylomine)
La [[Stylomine]] è uno dei produttori storici francesi, che si è messo in evidenza nella storia della stilografica per il particolarissimo sistema di caricamento (che per la forma del sacchetto viene chiamato [[caricamento a fisarmonica]]) che contraddistingueva le sue penne, che dopo la scadenza del relativo brevetto venne adottato da moltissimi altri produttori francesi.
Traduzione[[Stylomine]] is one of the oldest French producers, which is highlighted in the fountain pen history for the unique filling system (which, by the shape of the sac, is called [[accordion filler]]) which distinguished his pens, that after the expiry of the relevant patent was adopted by many other French producers.

Stylomine is one of the oldest French producers, which is highlighted in the fountain pen history for the unique filling system (which, by the shape of the sac, is called accordion filler) which distinguished his pens, that after the expiry of the relevant patent was adopted by many other French producers.