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(Creata pagina con "{{Infobox_Brand|Zerollo}}</noinclude>The Zerollo was founded in 1932 by ''David Dante Zerollo ''<ref>it seems however, that he was already active in the fields of mech...")
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Versione delle 19:59, 31 mar 2014

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Definizione del messaggio (Zerollo)
La ''Zerollo'' venne fondata nel [[1932]] da ''Dante Davide Zerollo''<ref>sembra comunque che questi fosse già attivo nel campi della meccanica applicata alla cancelleria, detenendo un brevetto ({{Cite patent|US|1790037}}) per la sigillazione automatica di lettere, assegnato negli USA nel 1931, ma richiesto fin dal gennaio 1929 in Germania.</ref> a Genova per la produzione di una delle stilografiche  più originali siano mai state realizzate, dotata di un particolarissimo sistema telescopico che consentiva di usare alternativamente due penne diverse, contenute in un unico corpo, facendo uscire alternativamente ora l'una ora l'altra.<ref>l'idea di una penna doppia non è comunque così originale, ne compare una già in un brevetto ({{Cite patent|US|1020221}}) del 1912.</ref>  La penna venne protetta, secondo il produttore, da brevetti ottenuti in tutto il mondo, ma di questi sono noti soltanto il brevetto USA {{Cite patent|US|1893130}} richiesto nel 1930 in Italia, nel [[1931]] negli USA e assegnato nel 1933, il British Patent {{Cite patent|GB|397736}}, riconosciuto il 31 agosto del 1933, ed il brevetto francese {{Cite patent|FR|728038}}.<ref>nei brevetti sono citati come inventori Mirko Chelazzi e Dino Frulli, presumibilmente impiegati di Zerollo.</ref>
Traduzione{{Infobox_Brand|Zerollo}}</noinclude>The [[Zerollo]] was founded in [[1932]] by ''David Dante Zerollo ''<ref>it seems however, that he was already active in the fields of mechanics applied to the stationety, holding a patent ({{Cite patent|US|1790037}}) for and automatic letters sealer, assigned intp the U.S. in 1931 but applied since January 1929 in Germany.</ref> in Genoa for the production of one of the most original ever made pens, equipped by special telescopic system that allowed alternating between two different pens contained in a single body, estracting either one and then the other.<ref>the idea of a double pen however is not so original, it appeared already in a 1912 patent ({{Cite patent|US|1020221}}).</ref> The pen was protected, according to the manufacturer, by patents obtained from all over the world, but the only known are the U.S. Patent {{Cite patent|US|1893130}} required in 1930 in Italy, in 1931 in the U.S.A. and awarded in 1933, the British patent {{Cite patent|GB|397736}}, approved August 31 , 1933 and the French patent {{Cite patent|FR|728038}}.<ref> in patents are cited as inventors Chelazzi Mirko and Dino Frulli, presumably Zerollo employees.</ref>
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The Zerollo was founded in 1932 by David Dante Zerollo [1] in Genoa for the production of one of the most original ever made pens, equipped by special telescopic system that allowed alternating between two different pens contained in a single body, estracting either one and then the other.[2] The pen was protected, according to the manufacturer, by patents obtained from all over the world, but the only known are the U.S. Patent nº US-1893130 required in 1930 in Italy, in 1931 in the U.S.A. and awarded in 1933, the British patent nº GB-397736, approved August 31 , 1933 and the French patent nº FR-728038.[3]

  1. it seems however, that he was already active in the fields of mechanics applied to the stationety, holding a patent (nº US-1790037) for and automatic letters sealer, assigned intp the U.S. in 1931 but applied since January 1929 in Germany.
  2. the idea of a double pen however is not so original, it appeared already in a 1912 patent (nº US-1020221).
  3. in patents are cited as inventors Chelazzi Mirko and Dino Frulli, presumably Zerollo employees.