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Versione delle 17:12, 15 nov 2014

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Definizione del messaggio (Ceriani)
L'azienda è sempre stata presente sul mercato utilizzando una serie di diversi marchi, il primo di questi, [[Electa]] ({{Marchio|46322}}), era riservato alla produzione di punta. Oltre a questo marchio (con la variante ''Electa Extra'') l'altro marchio principale usato dall'azienda era ''[[Regina]]'' ({{Marchio|46324}}), a questi si univano i marchi ''[[Balilla]]'' ({{Marchio|46323}}, confermato da una pubblicità del 1931/32), ''[[Gloria]]'' ({{Marchio|60704}}), e ''Topolino'' ({{Marchio|49345}}) per la produzione di fascia più bassa.
TraduzioneThe company has always been present on the market using a number of different brands name, the first of these, [[Electa]] ({{Marchio|46322}}),  was reserved for the fist tier production. In addition to this brand (with the variant ''Electa Extras''), the other main brand name used by the company was  ''[[Regina]]'' ({{Marchio|46324}}). In addition to these were used the  ''[[Balilla]]'' ({{Marchio|46323}}, confirmed by a 1931/32 advertising),  ''[[Gloria]]'' ({{Marchio|60704}}), and ''Topolino'' ({{Marchio|49345}}) brands for the lower-end production.

The company has always been present on the market using a number of different brands name, the first of these, Electa (Reg. Gen. N. 46322), was reserved for the fist tier production. In addition to this brand (with the variant Electa Extras), the other main brand name used by the company was Regina (Reg. Gen. N. 46324). In addition to these were used the Balilla (Reg. Gen. N. 46323, confirmed by a 1931/32 advertising), Gloria (Reg. Gen. N. 60704), and Topolino (Reg. Gen. N. 49345) brands for the lower-end production.