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Versione delle 00:46, 9 gen 2015

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Definizione del messaggio (KWG)
Dato il breve periodo di attività le penne a marchio ''KWG'' sono abbastanza rare visto che dopo l'acquisizione della [[Kaweco]] il marchio originale scomparve completamente dal mercato. Si trattava comunque di penne che se pure di fascia economica erano di buona qualità ed oggi per la loro scarsa disponibilità, risultano di elevato interesse collezionistico. {{Infobox_Marca|KWG}}{{BrandData|Founder=Frederik Grube, Heinrich Woringen, J. Knust|Date=1925|Place=Wiesloch|Country=DE}}
TraduzioneGiven the short period of activity ''KWG'' branded pens are quite rare, since after the acquisition of the [[Kaweco]] the original brand disappeared completely from the market. They still were good quality pens even if they were geared towards the economy market segment and today for their scarcity are of great interest to collectors. {{Infobox_Brand|KWG}}
== History ==

Given the short period of activity KWG branded pens are quite rare, since after the acquisition of the Kaweco the original brand disappeared completely from the market. They still were good quality pens even if they were geared towards the economy market segment and today for their scarcity are of great interest to collectors.

