Differenze tra le versioni di "Translations:Conklin/13/en"

m (FuzzyBot ha spostato la pagina Translations:Conklin Pen Manufacturing Co/13/en a Translations:Conklin/13/en senza lasciare redirect: Part of translatable page Conklin Pen Manufacturing Co.)
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Riga 1: Riga 1:
At that time however the company was no longer a market leader, but was merely following trends set by the others companies. An example of this is the introduction in 1929 (or in 1930),<ref>different source reports both dates.</ref> of its ''[[streamlined ]]'' model, the [[Symetrik]], following the new trend launched by the [[Sheaffer]] [[Balance]]. The sales were in constant decline and the company suffered heavily from the effects of the great recession of '29. Around 1930 [[Conklin]] started an economy line named [[All-American]].
At that time however the company was no longer a market leader, but was merely following trends set by the others companies. An example of this is the introduction in [[1929]] (or in [[1930]]),<ref>different source reports both dates.</ref> of its ''[[streamlined ]]'' model, the [[Symetrik]], following the new trend launched by the [[Sheaffer]] [[Balance]]. The sales were in constant decline and the company suffered heavily from the effects of the great recession of '29. Around [[1930]] [[Conklin]] started an economy line named [[All-American]].

Versione attuale delle 03:20, 21 mar 2013

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Definizione del messaggio (Conklin)
A questo punto l'azienda però non era più un leader di mercato, ma si limitava a seguire quanto fatto dagli altri. Un esempio di tutto questo è l'introduzione, fra il [[1929]] ed il [[1930]],<ref>da diverse fonti sono riportate entrambe le date.</ref> del suo primo modello ''[[streamlined]]'', la [[Symetrik]], seguendo la moda lanciata dalla [[Balance]] della [[Sheaffer]]. Le vendite risultavano in costante declino e l'azienda subì pesantemente gli effetti della grande recessione. Intorno al [[1930]] iniziò anche la produzione di una linea di penne economiche sotto il marchio [[All-American]].
TraduzioneAt that time however the company was no longer a market leader, but was merely following trends set by the others companies. An example of this is the introduction in [[1929]] (or in [[1930]]),<ref>different source reports both dates.</ref> of its ''[[streamlined ]]'' model, the [[Symetrik]], following the new trend launched by the [[Sheaffer]] [[Balance]]. The sales were in constant decline and the company suffered heavily from the effects of the great recession of '29. Around [[1930]] [[Conklin]] started an economy line named [[All-American]].

At that time however the company was no longer a market leader, but was merely following trends set by the others companies. An example of this is the introduction in 1929 (or in 1930),[1] of its streamlined model, the Symetrik, following the new trend launched by the Sheaffer Balance. The sales were in constant decline and the company suffered heavily from the effects of the great recession of '29. Around 1930 Conklin started an economy line named All-American.

  1. different source reports both dates.