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(Creata pagina con "In November 1949 there was the registration with the Chamber of Commerce of Turin (as shown in this excerpt from the fortn...")
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Riga 1: Riga 1:
In November [[1949]] there was the registration with the Chamber of Commerce of Turin (as shown in [[:File:1949-11-CronacheEconomiche-n69-p44.jpg|this excerpt]] from the fortnightly published by the same) of the  
In November [[1949]] there was the registration with the Chamber of Commerce of Turin (as shown in [[:File:1949-11-CronacheEconomiche-n069-p44.jpg|this excerpt]] from the fortnightly published by the same) of the  
''"STILOTECNICA di CARAMELLO e C."'' for fountain pens and related items resale in Turin, Corso Matteotti 10. It is unclear whether this is the opening of a store or a change of business by Carlo Caramello.
''"STILOTECNICA di CARAMELLO e C."'' for fountain pens and related items resale in Turin, Corso Matteotti 10. At the same address in the ''Guida Paravia'' of Turin in [[1952]] is listed ''"C.I.S.E.A. Casa Italiana Stilografiche e Affini"''. It is unclear whether this is the opening of a store or a change of business by Carlo Caramello.

Versione attuale delle 02:07, 21 ago 2023

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Definizione del messaggio (CISEA)
Nel novembre del [[1949]] risulta  l'iscrizione alla Camera di Commercio di Torino (come mostrato in [[:File:1949-11-CronacheEconomiche-n069-p44.jpg|questo estratto]] dal quindicinale pubblicato dalla stessa) della 
''"STILOTECNICA di CARAMELLO e C."'' per la vendita di penne stilografiche e articoli affini a Torino in corso Matteotti 10. Allo stesso indirizzo nella ''Guida Paravia'' di Torino del [[1952]] è riportata la ''"C.I.S.E.A. Casa Italiana Stilografiche e Affini"''. Non è chiaro se si tratti dell'apertura del negozio o di un cambio di attività da parte di Carlo Caramello.
TraduzioneIn November [[1949]] there was the registration with the Chamber of Commerce of Turin (as shown in [[:File:1949-11-CronacheEconomiche-n069-p44.jpg|this excerpt]] from the fortnightly published by the same) of the 
''"STILOTECNICA di CARAMELLO e C."'' for fountain pens and related items resale in Turin, Corso Matteotti 10. At the same address in the ''Guida Paravia'' of Turin in [[1952]] is listed ''"C.I.S.E.A. Casa Italiana Stilografiche e Affini"''. It is unclear whether this is the opening of a store or a change of business by Carlo Caramello.

In November 1949 there was the registration with the Chamber of Commerce of Turin (as shown in this excerpt from the fortnightly published by the same) of the "STILOTECNICA di CARAMELLO e C." for fountain pens and related items resale in Turin, Corso Matteotti 10. At the same address in the Guida Paravia of Turin in 1952 is listed "C.I.S.E.A. Casa Italiana Stilografiche e Affini". It is unclear whether this is the opening of a store or a change of business by Carlo Caramello.