Differenze tra le versioni di "Translations:Cameron/2/en"

(2 versioni intermedie di uno stesso utente non sono mostrate)
Riga 1: Riga 1:
The company's origins date back to the activity of Nisbet MacNiven that in [[1770]] founded a factory in Balerno, near Edinburgh, the city where activities on stationery production were transferred in [[1788]]. In [[1840]] John and Donald Cameron joined the company that became the ''MacNiven & Cameron Ltd.'' ''Duncan Cameron'' is credited with the design of the ''Waverley'' nib produced by ''[[Gillot Steel Pens]]'' since [[1864]] and roughly until the mid-70s of the 19th century. The company acquired a factory in Birmingham in [[1900]] and continued to produce nibs working in the stationery products market up to the closure of the factory in [[1964]].
The company's origins date back to the activity of Nisbet MacNiven that in [[1770]] founded a factory in Balerno, near Edinburgh, the city where activities on stationery production were transferred in [[1788]]. In [[1840]] John and Donald Cameron joined the company that became the ''MacNiven & Cameron Ltd.'' ''Duncan Cameron'' is credited with the design of the [[Waverley nib|''Waverley'' nib]] produced by ''[[Gillott]]'' since [[1864]] and roughly until the mid-70s of the 19th century. The company acquired a factory in Birmingham in [[1900]] and continued to produce nibs working in the stationery products market up to the closure of the factory in [[1964]].

Versione attuale delle 02:40, 14 mar 2024

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Definizione del messaggio (Cameron)
Le origini dell'azienda si fanno risalire all'attività di Nisbet Macniven che nel [[1770]] fondò una fabbrica a Balerno, nei dintorni di Edinburgo, città in cui venne trasferita l'attività, relativa alla produzione di materiale di cancelleria, nel [[1788]]. Nel [[1840]] John e Donald Cameron si aggiunsero all'azienda che diventò la ''Macniven & Cameron Ltd.'' A ''Duncan Cameron'' si attribuisce la ideazione del [[Waverley nib|pennino ''Waverley'']] prodotto dalla ''[[Gillott]]'' a partire dal [[1864]] ed all'incirca fino alla metà degli anni '70 del 19° secolo. L'azienda acquisì una fabbrica a Birmingham nel [[1900]] continuando a produrre pennini ed operando nel ramo dei prodotti di cancelleria fino alla chiusura di detto stabilimento avvenuta nel [[1964]].
TraduzioneThe company's origins date back to the activity of Nisbet MacNiven that in [[1770]] founded a factory in Balerno, near Edinburgh, the city where activities on stationery production were transferred in [[1788]]. In [[1840]] John and Donald Cameron joined the company that became the ''MacNiven & Cameron Ltd.'' ''Duncan Cameron'' is credited with the design of the [[Waverley nib|''Waverley'' nib]] produced by ''[[Gillott]]'' since [[1864]] and roughly until the mid-70s of the 19th century. The company acquired a factory in Birmingham in [[1900]] and continued to produce nibs working in the stationery products market up to the closure of the factory in [[1964]].

The company's origins date back to the activity of Nisbet MacNiven that in 1770 founded a factory in Balerno, near Edinburgh, the city where activities on stationery production were transferred in 1788. In 1840 John and Donald Cameron joined the company that became the MacNiven & Cameron Ltd. Duncan Cameron is credited with the design of the Waverley nib produced by Gillott since 1864 and roughly until the mid-70s of the 19th century. The company acquired a factory in Birmingham in 1900 and continued to produce nibs working in the stationery products market up to the closure of the factory in 1964.