Differenze tra le versioni di "Soennecken/en"

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Riga 1: Riga 1:
[[Immagine:Logo-Soennecken.svg|center|500px|Logo Soennecken]]
[[Image:Logo-Soennecken.svg|center|500px|Soennecken Logo]]
The [[Soennecken]] was founded in 1875, and born as a manufacturer of pens and inkwells. It is one of the most important historical producers of fountain pens in Germany and is widely regarded as the first German company to have made fountain pens that were already included in his catalog of 1890, having begun production in [[1887]].<ref>at least according to what is stated in [[:File:1925-05-Papierhandler-Soennecken-50th-p02.jpg|this article]]'s celebration of the company's fiftieth anniversary.</ref>
The [[Soennecken]] was founded in 1875, and born as a manufacturer of pens and inkwells. It is one of the most important historical producers of fountain pens in Germany and is widely regarded as the first German company to have made fountain pens that were already included in his catalog of 1890.  
The golden age of the company is to be situated in the '30s when [[Soennecken]] produced probably the best pens available on the German market. Like other companies it suffered a decisive crisis on the '60s due to the introduction of the disposable ballpoint pens and closed its doors in 1967. Today the brand name is used for stationery items. Because of their high quality, remained constant even in the final crisis period of the company, the [[Soennecken]] fountain pens are now high sought with lot of interest from collectors.{{Infobox_Brand|Soennecken}}{{BrandData|Founder=Friederich Soennecken|Place=Bonn|Date=1875|ProdDate=1887|Country=DE|Fullname=Soennecken Verlag}}
[[Image:Soennecken-Plant.jpg|thumb|[[Soennecken]] plant in Poppelsdorf (Bonn)]]
[[Image:Soennecken-Plant.jpg|thumb|[[Soennecken]] plant in Poppelsdorf (Bonn)]]
The golden age of the company is to be situated in the '30s when [[Soennecken]] produced probably the best pens available on the German market. Like other companies it suffered a decisive crisis on the '60s due to the introduction of the disposable ballpoint pens and closed its doors in 1967. Today the brand name is used for stationery items. Because of their high quality, remained constant even in the final crisis period of the company, the [[Soennecken]] fountain pens are now high sought with lot of interest from collectors.
''[[Soennecken|Soennecken Verlag]]'' was founded in [[1875]] when ''Friedrich Soennecken'' went into business by opening a stationery store in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iserlohn Iserlohn]. ''Friederich Soennecken'' had already founded in [[1868]] the ''Kaufmannische Verein Iserlohn'', an association dedicated to business correspondence, and had developed his own style of calligraphy.  
== History ==
With the opening of the store, he started sales of nibs, ink and handwriting workbooks that were a hit among the college students, so that in [[1876]] he moved to the university city of Bonn. Due to the success of his style the company had expanded significantly, and in [[1883]] a three floors home was built in [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poppelsdorf Poppelsdorf], in the Bonn center, where approximately forty employees operates. In this same period, the company expanded in the writing instruments market, thanks to inventions like the loose-leaf notebook, and the paper drill. The [[Soennecken]] became one of the leading German manufacturers in the field of stationery, also extending its production to office furniture.
''[[Soennecken|Soennecken Verlag]]'' was founded in 1875 when ''Friedrich Soennecken'' went into business by opening a stationery store in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iserlohn Iserlohn]. ''Friederich Soennecken''  had already founded in 1868 the ''Kaufmannische Verein Iserlohn'', an association dedicated to business correspondence, and had developed his own style of calligraphy.
[[Image:StemmaSoennecken.jpg|thumb|Logo della Soennecken|150px|left|Photos of a [[Soennecken]] stone logo present on the company building]]
[[Image:StemmaSoennecken.jpg|thumb|Logo della Soennecken|150px|right|Photos of a [[Soennecken]] stone logo present on the company building]]
The start of fountain pens production is not precisely known, but it is known that they were listed in a catalog of [[1890]],<ref>the informations on the company initial production are taken mostly from those reported by A. Lambrou in his books: please note that many inaccuracies were found in other historical data he reported, so their reliability is relative.</ref> along with over 150 other stationery products. These models were hard rubber eyedropper pens, characterized by a lock line for the cap. These pens were characterized by the imprinting ''F. Soennecken 554'' and were available in four sizes (numbered from 3 to 6) and equipped with the gold nib produced by the company.
Con l'apertura del negozio egli dette vita ad una vendita di pennini, calamai e libri di esercizi di calligrafia che ebbero un gran successo fra gli studenti universitari, tanto che nel 1876 si trasferì nella città universitaria di Bonn. Grazie al successo del suo stile la società ebbe una notevole espansione e già dal 1883 venne costruita a [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poppelsdorf Poppelsdorf], al centro di Bonn, una sede di tre piani che vedeva all'opera all'incirca una quarantina di dipendenti. In questo stesso periodo l'azienda si espanse nel mercato degli strumenti da scrittura grazie ad invenzioni come il taccuino a fogli mobili e la perforatrice. La [[Soennecken]] diventò uno dei principali produttori tedeschi nel campo della cancelleria, estendo la sua produzione anche ai mobili da ufficio.  
There is not much information available about these early models; according to Lambrou there were different variants: the number  [[Soennecken 575|575]] with cylindrical cap, the number [[Soennecken 576|576]] with conical cap and an ''[[overfeed]]'' feeder, the number [[Soennecken 577|577]] with conical cap.  
L'inizio della produzione di penne stilografiche non è noto con precisione, si sa però che queste compaiono già in un catalogo del 1890, insieme ad oltre altri 150 prodotti di cancelleria. Si tratta di modelli in ebanite con [[caricamento a contagocce]], caratterizzati da una riga di blocco per il cappuccio. La penna era caratterizzata dalla incisione ''F. Soennecken 554'' e disponibile in quattro misure (numerate da 3 a 6) e con pennini in oro prodotti dall'azienda stessa.
[[Image:Soennecken-Catalog.jpg|thumb|Soennecken catalog|150px|Photos of a 1895 [[Soennecken]] catalog]]
[[Image:Soennecken-Catalog.jpg|thumb|Catalogo della Soennecken|150px|left|Photos of a 1895 [[Soennecken]] catalog]]
The first [[safety]] fountain pen was built in [[1905]] (more precisely it appears for the first time in a catalog of that year). It was making use of a device similar to that adopted by [[Kaweco]], with a bump on the bottom of the cap that allowed to facilitate the rotation (and the consequent return of the mechanism), by setting the cap on the back of the pen, in a corresponding incision. There were shown over 30 different models of those new pens in a [[1905]] catalog.
Di questi primi modelli non si hanno a disposizione molte informazioni, secondo Lambrou sono comunque presenti diverse varianti: la numero 575 con cappuccio cilindrico, la numero 576 con cappuccio conico, ed un alimentatore di tipo ''[[overfeed]]'', la 577 con cappuccio conico.
In [[1913]] the range of fountain pens was extended. Smooth body models were identified with numbers 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16, the carved ones with numbers [[Soennecken 810|810]], [[Soennecken 812|812]], [[Soennecken 814|814]], [[Soennecken 816|816]] up to [[Soennecken 820|820]], and with prices between 10 and 25 marks. Models were also made with gold plated or gold bands, identified by the application of a Z after the number of the pen. Models were also made ​​of precious metals, the gold ones were identified by adding number 11 before the normal model number, while the number 10 was used for the silver ones.  
La prima stilografica con caricamento [[safety]] venne realizzata nel 1905, questa adottava un accorgimento simile a quello adottato dalla [[Kaweco]] con una protuberanza sul fondo del cappuccio che consentiva, inserendo questo sul fondello della penna, di facilitare la rotazione (ed il conseguente rientro del meccanismo) tramite una corrispondente incisione. Di queste nuove penne risultano oltre 30 diversi modelli presenti in un catalogo del 1905.
In [[1927]] were introduced the first [[lever filler]] models, discontinued  after three years, in [[1930]], when it was introduced a particular [[button filler]] system, characterized by a protection shell that allowed to hide the hard rubber button, which was operated by rotating the shell. The new system received great acclaim, although the production of [[safety]] pens was maintained until [[1939]]. The finest line of pens, equipped with the new [[button filler]] system, was named [[Rheingold]] (''Rhein gold''), inspired by the name of the treasure it the Wagner's ring Cycle, and were characterized by a decoration on top of the cap that consisted in an "S" letter surrounded by an inlaid white circle in turn surrounded by inlaid rays.  
Nel 1913 venne ampliata la gamma delle stilografiche, i modelli a corpo liscio vennero identificati con numeri 8, 10, 12, 14 e 16, quelli intagliati con 810, 812, 814, 816 fino ad 820, con prezzi fra 10 e 25 marchi. Vennero anche prodotti modelli con verette placcate oro, o direttamente in oro, identificati per l'apposizione di una Z al numero della penna. Vennero realizzati anche modelli in metallo prezioso, quelli in oro erano identificati dal numero 11 preposto al numero del modello, mentre quelli in argento dal numero 10.  
In the following models the logo was simplified by removing the circle, and keeping the "S" surrounded by rays like a sun, in addition the filler button was made in white color to make it more visible. In [[1931]], driven by competition suffered in previous years, particularly because of the [[Osmia]] and its production of celluloid [[Duofold]] on behalf of the [[Parker]], also [[Soennecken]] began to use this to this material. So the [[Rheingold]] series became available, as well as in the classic black, in blue, green, red and brown, with a luxury model in ''Pearl and Black''. The new celluloid models were available in three sizes, 912, 913 and 916, there was also an economic model with the number 305 andd no logo on the cap, available in black, blue, red, green and marbled pearl-edged blacks , and another economic model marked with the number 406.
Nel 1927 vennero introdotti i primi modelli con [[caricamento a levetta]], dismesso però tre  anni, nel 1930, quando venne invece introdotto un particolare caricamento a [[pulsante di fondo]], caratterizzato da un guscio di protezione che permetteva di nascondere il pulsante in ebanite, su cui si operava ruotando il guscio. Il nuovo sistema riscosse un buon successo, anche se la produzione di penne [[safety]] venne mantenuta fino al 1939. Alla linea di penne più pregiate, con il nuovo caricamento a [[pulsante di fondo]] venne dato il nome [[Rheingold]] (''Oro del Reno''), ispirato al nome del tesoro della saga dell'''Anello del Nibelungo'' di Wagner, e vennero caratterizzate da una decorazione sulla testa del cappuccio costituita da una "S" circondata da un cerchio bianco intarsiato a sua volta circondato da raggi.  
In [[1933]] the [[Rheingold]] series was restyled and produced in four different sizes; models were given the numbers 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1917. These were joined by a few second-tier models: the 306 produced in black, blue and pearl, and the 205, an economic pen, also called ''Seneca''. Was also produced a stilographic pen for technical drawing, numbered  as 560A. In [[1935]] was introduced the luxury model [[Präsident]], with the body equipped with a transparent section and a new filling system, then used also on [[Rheingold]].
Nei modelli successivi il logo venne semplificato eliminando il cerchio, e mantenendo la "S" circondata da raggi come un sole, inoltre anche il pulsante di caricamento venne modificato realizzandolo in colore bianco per renderlo più visibile. Nel 1931, spinta dalla concorrenza subita negli anni precedenti, in particolare a causa della [[Osmia]] e dalla sua produzione di [[Duofold]] in [[celluloide]] per conto della [[Parker]], anche la [[Soennecken]] iniziò ad utilizzare questo a questo materiale. Così la serie [[Rheingold]] divenne disponibile, oltre che nel classico nero, nei colori blu, verde, rosso e marrone, oltre ad un modello di lusso in ''Pearl and Black''. I nuovi modelli in celluloide erano disponibili in tre misure, 912, 913 e 916, a questi si affiancava un modello economico con il numero 305, senza logo sul cappuccio e disponibile nei colori nero, blu, rosso, verde e marmorizzato perla con bordi neri, ed un altro modello economico marcato con il numero 406.
During those years the increasing success of the piston filler introduced by [[Pelikan]] pushed even [[Soennecken]] to adopt this system with the  [[Soennecken 1306|1306]] model. It was built ​​according in an extremely robust way as the fixing pin and the piston were made ​​of brass. Despite this new system [[Soennecken]] pens were marketed at a price lower than equivalent models of the [[Montblanc]] and [[Pelikan]]. At the same time was marketed an economic model for students, the [[Soennecken S4|S4]], also called ''[[Soennecken S4|Sütterlin]]''.  
Nel 1933 la serie [[Rheingold]] venne nuovamente modificata e prodotta in quattro diverse misure; i modelli assunsero i numeri 1911, 1913, 1915 e 1917. Questi vennero affiancati alcuni modelli di seconda fascia, il 306 prodotto nei colori nero, blu e perla, ed il 205, una penna economica, chiamata anche ''Seneca'', ed infine una penna a stilo per il disegno tecnico, siglata come 560A. Nel 1935 venne introdotto il modello di lusso [[Präsident]], con il corpo dotato di una sezione trasparente ed nuovo meccanismo di caricamento a sfiatatoio, usato poi anche sulla [[Rheingold]].
[[Image:1937-38-Soennecken-Catalog-p01.jpg|thumb|First page from 1937/38 catalog]]
Negli stessi anni il sempre maggior successo del nuovo [[caricamento a stantuffo]] spinse anche la [[Soennecken]] ad adottare questo sistema con il modello 1306, realizzato secondo un progetto estremamente robusto in cui il perno ed il dato di fissaggio del pistone erano realizzati in ottone. Nonostante questo le nuove penne della [[Soennecken]] vennero commercializzate ad un prezzo più basso degli equivalenti modelli della [[Montblanc]] e della [[Pelikan]]. Nello stesso periodo venne commercializzato un modello economico per studenti denominato [[Soennecken S4|S4]], chiamata anche ''[[Soennecken S4|Sutterlin]]''.  
The one preceding the WWII was the company most successful period, with a production ranged from fountain pens to office furniture, covering all areas for stationery items. In [[1938]] the models were the [[Soennecken 507|507]] [[Soennecken 510|510]] and [[Soennecken 510|510S]], with a new logo consists of an eagle perched on a pen inside of a circle, also used on [[Präsident]] in a [[:Category: Soennecken-1937-Catalog|catalogue]] from [[1937]]/38 also appear dome versions on the new [[Rheingold]] line with the numbers 613 and 616. When during the war the use of gold nibs became impossible, [[Soennecken]] resorted to palladium, marked with the symbol ''[[Pargo]]'' in the nibs. In 1940 the production was reduced to only four models, [[Soennecken 506|506]], [[Soennecken 507|507]], [[Soennecken 510| 510]] and [[Soennecken S4|S4]].  
[[Image:1937-38-Soennecken-Catalog-p01.jpg|thumb|Prima pagina del catalogo 1937/38]]
The war was very heavy on the company, factories in Bonn were completely destroyed by bombing, but in [[1945]] production was resumed by the son and the grandson of the founder. Ttwo models of the [[Präsident]] line were produced, with two-tone gold nib and black body and the production of the two [[Rheingold]] models with the numbers 613 and 616 was resumed, these pens were made of celluloid in black, blue, gray, and pearly green, although other less common colors are known. Finally, was restarted the production of [[piston filler]] models, with the numbers [[Soennecken 504|504]], [[Soennecken 506|506]], [[Soennecken 507|507]] and [[Soennecken 510|510]]. These, in addition to the classic black color, were also produced in pearl celluloid with a woven patterned in blue, red, gray or green.
Quello precedente la seconda guerra mondiale è il periodo di maggio successo dell'azienda, con una produzione che spaziava dalle stilografiche ad mobili da ufficio, coprendo tutti i campi della cancelleria. Nel 1938 i modelli erano il [[Soennecken 507|507]], [[Soennecken 510|510]] e [[Soennecken 510|510S]], con un nuovo logo costituito da un'aquila appollaiata su un pennino, all'interno di un cerchio, utilizzato anche sulla [[Präsident]], nel [:Category:Soennecken-Catalog-1937|catalogo] del 1937/38 compaiono anche le nuove versioni della linea [[Rheingold]] coi numeri 613 e 616. Quando con la guerra divenne impossibile l'uso dell'oro per i pennini, la [[Soennecken]] ricorse al palladio, marcandoli con la sigla ''Pargo''. Nel 1940 la produzione venne ridotta a soli quattro modelli, [[Soennecken 506|506]], [[Soennecken 507|507]], [[Soennecken 510|510]] e [[Soennecken S4|S4]].  
Around [[1940]] was introduced a new line of piston filler pens with steel nib, more squat in shape, wider, with a thicker body and a flattened cap. These were called, depending on the size, with the numbers [[Soennecken 110|110]], [[Soennecken 112|112]], [[Soennecken 116|116]] and [[Soennecken 120|120]]. These were initially produced in black, but later were also introduced celluloid versions with woven motifs in blue or gray.  
La guerra ebbe consegenze pesantissime sulla azienda, le fabbriche di Bonn vennero completamente distrutte dai bombardamenti, ma nel 1945 la produzione venne ripresa dal figlio e dal nipote del fondatore. Vennero prodotte due modelli della linea [[Präsident]] con pennino oro bicolore e corpo nero e ripresa la produzione dei due modelli della linea [[Rheingold]] coi numeri 613 e 616, questi vennero prodotti in celluloide nera, blu, grigia, e perlata verde, anche se sono noti altri colori meno comuni. Infine venne ripresa la produzione dei modelli [[caricamento a stantuffo]], coi numeri [[Soennecken 504|504]], [[Soennecken 506|506]], [[Soennecken 507|507]] e [[Soennecken 510|510]]. Questi, oltre al classico nero, vennero prodotti anche in perla e con una celluloide a motivi intrecciato di colore blu, rosso, grigio o verde.
In [[1949]] was introduced a new line with the three models [[Soennecken 410|410]], [[Soennecken 414|414]] and [[Soennecken 420|420]], with a new [[piston filler]] system patented in [[1939]], where the knob of the plunger was locked when at rest. In order to load the pen it was needed to lift the cap slightly to unlock it to allow the rotation, once the pen is filled and the plunger brought back the knob is automatically locked into position, avoiding improper rotations. The new models of fountain pens were thinner and more streamlined. In these same years were produced new models for the student market, marked [[Soennecken S4|S4]] and [[Soennecken S4|S6]], and a series of streamlined black celluloid pens, called [[Soennecken 100|100 ]], [[Soennecken 100|100 Extras]], [[Soennecken 100|101 Lady]] and [[Soennecken 100|Schreibneister]].
Nel 1947 venne introdotta una nuova linea di penne con [[caricamento a stantuffo]] con pennino in metallo, di forma più tozza, più larghe, con una guaina più spessa ed un cappuccio appiattito. Vennero denominate, a seconda della dimensione, coi numeri [[Soennecken 110|110]], [[Soennecken 112|112]], [[Soennecken 116|116]] e [[Soennecken 120|120]]. Inizialmente vennero prodotte in colore nero, ma in seguito vennero introdotte anche verisioni in celluloide a motivi intrecciati di colore blu o grigio.
[[Image:1953-Soennecken-111-Red-Set.jpg|thumb|Soennecken logo|150px|right|Advertising for the [[Soennecken 111|111]] model from 1953]]
Nel 1949 venne introdotta una nuova linea, nei tre modelli [[Soennecken 410|410]], [[Soennecken 414|414]], e [[Soennecken 420|420]], dotata di un nuovo [[caricamento a stantuffo]] che faceva uso di un meccanismo brevettato nel 1939, in cui la manopola dello stantuffo veniva bloccata quando in posizione di riposo. Per poter caricare la penna occorreva sollevare il fondello leggermente per sbloccarlo e consentirne la rotazione, una volta caricata la penna e riportato indietro lo stantuffo il fondello veniva automaticamente bloccato nella posizione di riposo, evitando rotazioni inopportune. Le nuove stilografiche erano più sottili dei modelli procedenti e più affusolate. In questi stessi anni vennero prodotti modelli per il mercato studentesco, marcati [[Soennecken S4|S4]] e [[Soennecken S4|S6]], ed una serie di penne di forma affusolata in celloloide nera, denominata [[Soennecken 100|100]], [[Soennecken 100|100 Extra]], [[Soennecken 100|101 Lady]] e [[Soennecken 100|Schreibneister]].
In the years from [[1947]] to [[1950]] four new lines of pens were introduced, each one characterized by three different sizes named ''Lady'', ''Superior'' and ''Extra'', in increasing dimensions. The most economical line was the [[Soennecken 444|444]], produced in mainly in black color and in smaller sizes, followed by the line [[Soennecken 333|333]] produced in different colors. The good quality [[Soennecken 222|222]] line was produced in a particular lizard skin celluloid in red, green, gray and black with a translucent section and with a single piece clip fixed srewed on the top of the cap.  
[[Image:195x-Soennecken-111-Set-2.jpg|thumb|Stemma della Soennecken|150px|right|Pubblicità del modello [[Soennecken 111|111]] della fine degli anni '40]]
The line that was at top of the range was the [[Soennecken 111|111]], with larger dimensions and produced in eight different colors  with herringbone motifs celluloid. Although the pens of the two highest series were of exceptional quality, they never enjoyed, partly because a too high price, a great success (which makes them rare and much sought after by collectors). This, together with the difficulties encountered even in sales of office furniture and stationery, led to a decline in the company during the 50's.
Negli anni dal 1947 al 1950 vennero poi introdotte quattro ulteriori linee di penne, caratterizzate ciascuna da tre diverse misure: ''Lady'', ''Superior'' ed ''Extra'', in dimensione crescente. La linea più economica era la [[Soennecken 444|444]], prodotta in nero ed in dimensioni minori, a questa seguiva la linea [[Soennecken 333|333]] prodotta in diversi colori. La linea [[Soennecken 222|222]] era prodotta in una particolare celluloide a pelle di lucertola nei colori rosso, verde, grigio e nero e sezione semitrasparente, con una clip fissata a vite sul cappuccio in un pezzo unico.  
In the '60s a revival was attempted: unnecessary lines were removed and only economic models [[Soennecken 100|100]] and [[Soennecken 100|101]] left in production. Was then sought a partnership with the French company [[Bayard]], which led to creation of a new series of six pens sold in France, with a filling system similar to those of [[Swan]] [[Visofil]]. But these pens were not successful, being done in the boom period of the disposable ballpoint pen, and in 1967 [[Soennecken]] closed its doors.
La linea che costituiva il vertice della gamma era infine la  [[Soennecken 111|111]], di dimensioni ancora maggiori e prodotta in otto colori diversi ed anche con lavorazioni di celluloide a lisca di pesce. Benche le penne delle due fasce più alte siano di qualità straordinaria, non riscossero, anche a causa di un prezzo troppo elevato, un grande successo (il che le rende piuttosto rare e molto ricercate dai collezionisti). Questo, insieme alle difficoltà incontrate anche nelle vendite di oggetti e mobili da ufficio, portò ad un declino dell'azienda durante tutti gli anni '50.
Negli anni '60 venne tentato un rilancio, vennero eliminate le linee superflue e lasciate in produzione soltanto i modelli economici [[Soennecken 100|100]] e [[Soennecken 100|101]], venne poi cercata una collaborazione con la francese [[Bayard]] che portò alla creazione di una serie di sei nuove penne commercializzate in Francia, dotate di un particolare sistema di caricamento simile a quallo della [[Visofil]] della [[Swan]]. Ma neanche queste ebbero successo nel periodo del boom della penna a sfera usa e getta, e nel 1967 la [[Soennecken]] chiuse definitivamente i battenti.
| 1875 || Nascita della ''[[Soennecken|Soennecken Verlag]]'' a Iserlohn
| 1890 || Nel catalogo dei prodotti [[Soennecken]] è presente una penna stilografica
| 1905 || Registrato il marchio [[Soennecken]]
| 1905 || Introdotta una linea di penne con caricamento [[safety]]
| 1913 || Ampliata la gamma delle stilografiche con modelli con diverse finiture
| 1927 || Introdotte le prime penne con [[caricamento a levetta]]
| 1930 || Introdotte le prime penne con un peculiare caricamento a [[pulsante di fondo]]
| 1930 || Introdotta la linea [[Rheingold]] (modelli 912, 913 e 916)
| 1931 || Introdotta la produzione in celluloide
| 1933 || Ristrutturata la  linea [[Rheingold]] (modelli 1911, 1913, 1915 e 1917)
| 1935 || Introdotta la [[Präsident]] e le prime penne con [[caricamento a stantuffo]]
| 1937 || Introdotta la terza versione della linea [[Rheingold]] (modelli 613 e 616)
| 1938 || In questo periodo sono in produzione i modelli [[Soennecken 507|507]], [[Soennecken 510|510]] e [[Soennecken 510|510S]]
| 1940 || In questo periodo sono in produzione i modelli [[Soennecken 504|504]], [[Soennecken 506|506]], [[Soennecken 507|507]] e [[Soennecken 510|510]]
| 1945 || Riparte la produzione dopo la guerra coi modelli [[Soennecken 506|506]], [[Soennecken 507|507]], [[Soennecken 510|510]] e [[Soennecken S4|S4]]
| 1947 || Introdotta una nuova linea con i modelli [[Soennecken 110|110]], [[Soennecken 112|112]], [[Soennecken 116|116]] e [[Soennecken 120|120]]
| 1949 || Introdotta una nuova linea con i modelli [[Soennecken 410|410]], [[Soennecken 414|414]] e [[Soennecken 420|420]] con un peculiare [[caricamento a stantuffo]]
| 1967 || La [[Soennecken]] fallisce e cessa la produzione
| 1973 || Il marchio [[Soennecken]] viene acquistato dalla ''BRANION EG''
| [[XX]] || 19XX || XX, ?
==External References==
==External References==
* [http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php?/topic/128513-soennecken-information/] Discussion on FPN
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20160323225440/http://www.rickconner.net/penspotters/soennecken.222.html] Page on Penspotters
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20110721020749/http://www.poppelsdorf.de/zwischen_melb_und_weiher-Soennecken.htm] Company history related to Poppelsdorf
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soennecken] Page on Wikipedia in English
* [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soennecken] Page on Wikipedia in German
* http://www.penbid.com/Auction/showarticle.asp?art_id=106
* http://www.rickconner.net/penspotters/soennecken.222.html
* http://www.poppelsdorf.de/poppelsdorfer__heimatsammlung_soennecken.htm
* http://www.soennecken.de/
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soennecken
* http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soennecken
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Soennecken Logo

The Soennecken was founded in 1875, and born as a manufacturer of pens and inkwells. It is one of the most important historical producers of fountain pens in Germany and is widely regarded as the first German company to have made fountain pens that were already included in his catalog of 1890, having begun production in 1887.[1]

The golden age of the company is to be situated in the '30s when Soennecken produced probably the best pens available on the German market. Like other companies it suffered a decisive crisis on the '60s due to the introduction of the disposable ballpoint pens and closed its doors in 1967. Today the brand name is used for stationery items. Because of their high quality, remained constant even in the final crisis period of the company, the Soennecken fountain pens are now high sought with lot of interest from collectors.

Brand pages
Brand advertising
Brand photos
Instructions sheet
Other documents


Soennecken plant in Poppelsdorf (Bonn)

Soennecken Verlag was founded in 1875 when Friedrich Soennecken went into business by opening a stationery store in Iserlohn. Friederich Soennecken had already founded in 1868 the Kaufmannische Verein Iserlohn, an association dedicated to business correspondence, and had developed his own style of calligraphy.

With the opening of the store, he started sales of nibs, ink and handwriting workbooks that were a hit among the college students, so that in 1876 he moved to the university city of Bonn. Due to the success of his style the company had expanded significantly, and in 1883 a three floors home was built in Poppelsdorf, in the Bonn center, where approximately forty employees operates. In this same period, the company expanded in the writing instruments market, thanks to inventions like the loose-leaf notebook, and the paper drill. The Soennecken became one of the leading German manufacturers in the field of stationery, also extending its production to office furniture.

Photos of a Soennecken stone logo present on the company building

The start of fountain pens production is not precisely known, but it is known that they were listed in a catalog of 1890,[2] along with over 150 other stationery products. These models were hard rubber eyedropper pens, characterized by a lock line for the cap. These pens were characterized by the imprinting F. Soennecken 554 and were available in four sizes (numbered from 3 to 6) and equipped with the gold nib produced by the company.

There is not much information available about these early models; according to Lambrou there were different variants: the number 575 with cylindrical cap, the number 576 with conical cap and an overfeed feeder, the number 577 with conical cap.

Photos of a 1895 Soennecken catalog

The first safety fountain pen was built in 1905 (more precisely it appears for the first time in a catalog of that year). It was making use of a device similar to that adopted by Kaweco, with a bump on the bottom of the cap that allowed to facilitate the rotation (and the consequent return of the mechanism), by setting the cap on the back of the pen, in a corresponding incision. There were shown over 30 different models of those new pens in a 1905 catalog.

In 1913 the range of fountain pens was extended. Smooth body models were identified with numbers 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16, the carved ones with numbers 810, 812, 814, 816 up to 820, and with prices between 10 and 25 marks. Models were also made with gold plated or gold bands, identified by the application of a Z after the number of the pen. Models were also made ​​of precious metals, the gold ones were identified by adding number 11 before the normal model number, while the number 10 was used for the silver ones.

In 1927 were introduced the first lever filler models, discontinued after three years, in 1930, when it was introduced a particular button filler system, characterized by a protection shell that allowed to hide the hard rubber button, which was operated by rotating the shell. The new system received great acclaim, although the production of safety pens was maintained until 1939. The finest line of pens, equipped with the new button filler system, was named Rheingold (Rhein gold), inspired by the name of the treasure it the Wagner's ring Cycle, and were characterized by a decoration on top of the cap that consisted in an "S" letter surrounded by an inlaid white circle in turn surrounded by inlaid rays.

In the following models the logo was simplified by removing the circle, and keeping the "S" surrounded by rays like a sun, in addition the filler button was made in white color to make it more visible. In 1931, driven by competition suffered in previous years, particularly because of the Osmia and its production of celluloid Duofold on behalf of the Parker, also Soennecken began to use this to this material. So the Rheingold series became available, as well as in the classic black, in blue, green, red and brown, with a luxury model in Pearl and Black. The new celluloid models were available in three sizes, 912, 913 and 916, there was also an economic model with the number 305 andd no logo on the cap, available in black, blue, red, green and marbled pearl-edged blacks , and another economic model marked with the number 406.

In 1933 the Rheingold series was restyled and produced in four different sizes; models were given the numbers 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1917. These were joined by a few second-tier models: the 306 produced in black, blue and pearl, and the 205, an economic pen, also called Seneca. Was also produced a stilographic pen for technical drawing, numbered as 560A. In 1935 was introduced the luxury model Präsident, with the body equipped with a transparent section and a new filling system, then used also on Rheingold.

During those years the increasing success of the piston filler introduced by Pelikan pushed even Soennecken to adopt this system with the 1306 model. It was built ​​according in an extremely robust way as the fixing pin and the piston were made ​​of brass. Despite this new system Soennecken pens were marketed at a price lower than equivalent models of the Montblanc and Pelikan. At the same time was marketed an economic model for students, the S4, also called Sütterlin.

First page from 1937/38 catalog

The one preceding the WWII was the company most successful period, with a production ranged from fountain pens to office furniture, covering all areas for stationery items. In 1938 the models were the 507 510 and 510S, with a new logo consists of an eagle perched on a pen inside of a circle, also used on Präsident in a catalogue from 1937/38 also appear dome versions on the new Rheingold line with the numbers 613 and 616. When during the war the use of gold nibs became impossible, Soennecken resorted to palladium, marked with the symbol Pargo in the nibs. In 1940 the production was reduced to only four models, 506, 507, 510 and S4.

The war was very heavy on the company, factories in Bonn were completely destroyed by bombing, but in 1945 production was resumed by the son and the grandson of the founder. Ttwo models of the Präsident line were produced, with two-tone gold nib and black body and the production of the two Rheingold models with the numbers 613 and 616 was resumed, these pens were made of celluloid in black, blue, gray, and pearly green, although other less common colors are known. Finally, was restarted the production of piston filler models, with the numbers 504, 506, 507 and 510. These, in addition to the classic black color, were also produced in pearl celluloid with a woven patterned in blue, red, gray or green.

Around 1940 was introduced a new line of piston filler pens with steel nib, more squat in shape, wider, with a thicker body and a flattened cap. These were called, depending on the size, with the numbers 110, 112, 116 and 120. These were initially produced in black, but later were also introduced celluloid versions with woven motifs in blue or gray.

In 1949 was introduced a new line with the three models 410, 414 and 420, with a new piston filler system patented in 1939, where the knob of the plunger was locked when at rest. In order to load the pen it was needed to lift the cap slightly to unlock it to allow the rotation, once the pen is filled and the plunger brought back the knob is automatically locked into position, avoiding improper rotations. The new models of fountain pens were thinner and more streamlined. In these same years were produced new models for the student market, marked S4 and S6, and a series of streamlined black celluloid pens, called 100 , 100 Extras, 101 Lady and Schreibneister.

Advertising for the 111 model from 1953

In the years from 1947 to 1950 four new lines of pens were introduced, each one characterized by three different sizes named Lady, Superior and Extra, in increasing dimensions. The most economical line was the 444, produced in mainly in black color and in smaller sizes, followed by the line 333 produced in different colors. The good quality 222 line was produced in a particular lizard skin celluloid in red, green, gray and black with a translucent section and with a single piece clip fixed srewed on the top of the cap.

The line that was at top of the range was the 111, with larger dimensions and produced in eight different colors with herringbone motifs celluloid. Although the pens of the two highest series were of exceptional quality, they never enjoyed, partly because a too high price, a great success (which makes them rare and much sought after by collectors). This, together with the difficulties encountered even in sales of office furniture and stationery, led to a decline in the company during the 50's.

In the '60s a revival was attempted: unnecessary lines were removed and only economic models 100 and 101 left in production. Was then sought a partnership with the French company Bayard, which led to creation of a new series of six pens sold in France, with a filling system similar to those of Swan Visofil. But these pens were not successful, being done in the boom period of the disposable ballpoint pen, and in 1967 Soennecken closed its doors.


Year Event
1875 the company is founded by Friederich Soennecken in Bonn as Soennecken Verlag
1876 the company move to Bonn
1890 the company starts fountain pen production
1905 the company registers the Soennecken trademark
1905 the company introduces a safety filler lane
1913 the company extends the range of fountain pens with many models
1927 the company introduces lever filler models
1930 the company introduces the Rheingold (912, 913 and 916)
1930 the company introduces the button filler
1931 the company introduces the celluloid in the Rheingold models
1933 the company restyles the Rheingold lane (models 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1917)
1935 the company introduces the Präsident
1935 the company introduces the firsts piston filler models
1937 the company restyles the Rheingold series (models 613 and 616)
1938 the company introduces the Soennecken 510S
1938 the company introduces the Soennecken 510
1938 the company introduces the Soennecken 506
1938 the company introduces the Soennecken 507
1940 the company introduces the Soennecken 110 (uncertain date[3])
1940 the company introduces the Soennecken 112 (uncertain date[3])
1940 the company introduces the Soennecken S4
1940 the company introduces the Soennecken 120 (uncertain date[3])
1940 the company introduces the Soennecken 116 (uncertain date[3])
1945 the company restart production with Soennecken 504, Soennecken 506, Soennecken 507 and Soennecken 510 models
1948 the company introduces the Soennecken 333 (guess date, stands for the period between 1947 and 1950)
1948 the company introduces the Soennecken 222 (guess date, stands for the period between 1947 and 1950)
1948 the company introduces the Soennecken 444 (guess date, stands for the period between 1947 and 1950)
1948 the company introduces the Soennecken 111 (guess date, stands for the period between 1947 and 1950)
1949 the company introduces the Soennecken 420
1949 the company introduces the Soennecken 410
1949 the company introduces the Soennecken 414
1967 the company the company fails and ceases production

External References

  • [1] Discussion on FPN
  • [2] Page on Penspotters
  • [3] Company history related to Poppelsdorf
  • [4] Page on Wikipedia in English
  • [5] Page on Wikipedia in German


  1. at least according to what is stated in this article's celebration of the company's fiftieth anniversary.
  2. the informations on the company initial production are taken mostly from those reported by A. Lambrou in his books: please note that many inaccuracies were found in other historical data he reported, so their reliability is relative.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 indicative, after this catalogue, but due to the prevailing presence of steel nibs, the model was certainly produced during the war.