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Riga 1: Riga 1:
The attention production efficiency and the intent to pursue a policy of industrial expansion always remain a constant in the history of [[Eversharp|Wahl Eversharp]], as well as the presence of wrong investment decisions, such the one that caused the decline and the end of the company. The first of these misplaced investments was, in 1922, the acquisition of a factory for the production of hard rubber tubes. This led to some of the most beautiful pens in hard rubber ever produced, but the investment was wrong, as it was done just before the advent of celluloid pens.
The attention production efficiency and the intent to pursue a policy of industrial expansion always remain a constant in the history of [[Wahl Eversharp]], as well as the presence of wrong investment decisions, such the one that caused the decline and the end of the company. The first of these misplaced investments was, in [[1922]], the acquisition of a factory for the production of hard rubber tubes. This led to some of the most beautiful pens in hard rubber ever produced, but the investment was wrong, as it was done just before the advent of celluloid pens.

Versione attuale delle 01:28, 23 mar 2013

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Definizione del messaggio (Eversharp)
L'attenzione agli aspetti della produzione e l'intento di perseguire una politica di espansione industriale resteranno sempre una costante nella storia della [[Wahl Eversharp]], così come la presenza di investimenti tutt'altro che azzeccati, come quello che alla fine causò il declino e la fine dell'azienda. Il primo di questi investimenti sbagliati fu, nel [[1922]], l'acquisizione di una fabbrica di [[ebanite]] per migliorare la produzione della propria linea di penne. Questo portò ad alcune delle più belle penne in ebanite mai prodotte, ma si rivelò poco azzeccato, dato che venne fatto proprio alla vigilia del boom delle penne in [[celluloide]].
TraduzioneThe attention production efficiency and the intent to pursue a policy of industrial expansion always remain a constant in the history of [[Wahl Eversharp]], as well as the presence of wrong investment decisions, such the one that caused the decline and the end of the company. The first of these misplaced investments was, in [[1922]], the acquisition of a factory for the production of hard rubber tubes. This led to some of the most beautiful pens in hard rubber ever produced, but the investment was wrong, as it was done just before the advent of celluloid pens.

The attention production efficiency and the intent to pursue a policy of industrial expansion always remain a constant in the history of Wahl Eversharp, as well as the presence of wrong investment decisions, such the one that caused the decline and the end of the company. The first of these misplaced investments was, in 1922, the acquisition of a factory for the production of hard rubber tubes. This led to some of the most beautiful pens in hard rubber ever produced, but the investment was wrong, as it was done just before the advent of celluloid pens.