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(Creata pagina con "thumb|A Columbus 65 ''knob'' We should speak more specifically of a ''knob'' in all those cases in which the case back of a pen is not...")
Riga 1: Riga 1:
[[File:Columbus-65-Black-Knob.jpg|thumb|A Columbus 65 ''knob'']]
[[File:Columbus-65-Hooded-NoRing-Nera-Knob.jpg|thumb|A Columbus 65 ''knob'']]
We should speak more specifically of a  ''knob'' in all those cases in which the [[case back]] of a pen is not simply the end of the barrel, and is not used as a decorative element or as a [[blind cap]] for protection of the [[filling system]], but is instead a direct component of the latter, with the role of part of the device on which one must act to activate it.
We should speak more specifically of a  ''knob'' in all those cases in which the [[case back]] of a pen is not simply the end of the barrel, and is not used as a decorative element or as a [[blind cap]] for protection of the [[filling system]], but is instead a direct component of the latter, with the role of part of the device on which one must act to activate it.

Versione attuale delle 20:06, 23 dic 2024

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Definizione del messaggio (Manopola)
[[File:Columbus-65-Hooded-NoRing-Nera-Knob.jpg|thumb|Fondello di una Columbus 65]]
Benché in italiano molto spesso si continui a non distinguere, si dovrebbe parlare più specificamente di ''manopola'' o ''pomello'' (gli anglosassoni usano ''[[knob]]'') in tutti quei casi in cui il [[fondello]] di una penna non è semplicemente la parte terminale del fusto, e non viene usato come elemento decorativo o come tappo o protezione del [[sistema di caricamento]], ma costituisce invece direttamente una componente di quest'ultimo, con il ruolo di parte del dispositivo su cui si deve agire per attivarlo.
Traduzione[[File:Columbus-65-Hooded-NoRing-Nera-Knob.jpg|thumb|A Columbus 65 ''knob'']]
We should speak more specifically of a  ''knob'' in all those cases in which the [[case back]] of a pen is not simply the end of the barrel, and is not used as a decorative element or as a [[blind cap]] for protection of the [[filling system]], but is instead a direct component of the latter, with the role of part of the device on which one must act to activate it.
A Columbus 65 knob

We should speak more specifically of a knob in all those cases in which the case back of a pen is not simply the end of the barrel, and is not used as a decorative element or as a blind cap for protection of the filling system, but is instead a direct component of the latter, with the role of part of the device on which one must act to activate it.