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Versione delle 21:12, 26 giu 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Chilton)
Nel [[1939]] la [[Chilton]] produsse la sua ultima penna di qualità, la [[Golden Quill]], introdotta sul mercato in occasione della Fiera Mondiale di New York. La nuova penna era contraddistinta da uno stile semplice ed austero, in netto contrasto con l'opulenza della [[Wing-flow]]. La qualità come sempre era impeccabile, ma l'azienda era ormai in crisi e la nuova penna non venne pubblicizzata a sufficienza: le vendite furono scarse (tanto che la penna è molto rara ed oggi ricercatissima dai collezionisti).
TraduzioneIn 1939 [[Chilton]] produced his last quality pen, the [[Golden Quill]]. The pen was launched at the New York World Fair. The new pen had a simple and austere style, in sharp contrast with the opulence of the [[Wingflow]]. The quality was as always impeccable, but the company had economical difficulties and the new pen was not publicized enough: sales were scarce so that the pen is very rare and  today id very sought by collectors.

In 1939 Chilton produced his last quality pen, the Golden Quill. The pen was launched at the New York World Fair. The new pen had a simple and austere style, in sharp contrast with the opulence of the Wingflow. The quality was as always impeccable, but the company had economical difficulties and the new pen was not publicized enough: sales were scarce so that the pen is very rare and today id very sought by collectors.