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(Creata pagina con 'In the early '60s Faber-Castell ceased to use the Osmia trademark, starting to a production of cheap models for the scholastic market marked only by its brand name, with ...')
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Versione attuale delle 19:47, 10 ago 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Osmia)
All'inizio degli anni '60 la [[Faber-Castell]] cessò di utilizzare il marchio [[Osmia]], passando ad una produzione marcata soltanto a suo nome, con modelli di scarso interesse e destinati principalmente al mercato scolastico, con una drastica riduzione delle vendite, accentuata ancor più dall'aver cancellato dal mercato un marchio prestigioso.
TraduzioneIn the early '60s [[Faber-Castell]] ceased to use  the Osmia trademark, starting to a production of cheap models for the scholastic market marked only by its brand name, with a drastic reduction in sales, accentuated even more by having removed from the market a prestigious brand.

In the early '60s Faber-Castell ceased to use the Osmia trademark, starting to a production of cheap models for the scholastic market marked only by its brand name, with a drastic reduction in sales, accentuated even more by having removed from the market a prestigious brand.