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Riga 1: Riga 1:
The company was noted for economic models of medium quality, produced, as reported by Letizia Jacopini, in the [[Settimo Torinese]] district, and sold under this brand. The earliest production is made of colorful celluloid pens with rolled metal decorations, gold nibs and [[button filler]] system. The body is typically stamped ''Marca Estense'' with the coat of arms of the Dukes of Este (an eagle in a laurel wreath).
The company was noted for economic models of medium quality, produced, as reported by Letizia Jacopini, in the [[Settimo Torinese]] district, and sold under his brand. The earliest production is made of colorful celluloid pens with rolled metal decorations, gold nibs and [[button filler]] system. The body is typically stamped ''Marca Estense'' with the coat of arms of the Dukes of Este (an eagle in a laurel wreath).

Versione attuale delle 15:35, 20 dic 2014

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Definizione del messaggio (Estense)
L'azienda si distinse per la produzione di modelli economici di qualità media, prodotti, secondo quanto riportato da Letizia Jacopini, nel distretto di [[Settimo Torinese]], e rivenduti con questo marchio. La produzione più antica è composta di penne in celluloide colorata con decorazioni in metallo laminato, pennino in oro e caricamento a [[pulsante di fondo]]. Il corpo riporta in genere la stampigliatura ''Marca Estense'' con l'incisione dello stemma dei duchi d'Este (un'aquila in una corona d'alloro).
TraduzioneThe company was noted for economic models of medium quality, produced, as reported by Letizia Jacopini, in the [[Settimo Torinese]] district, and sold under his brand. The earliest production is made of colorful celluloid pens with rolled metal decorations, gold nibs and [[button filler]] system. The body is typically stamped ''Marca Estense'' with the coat of arms of the Dukes of Este (an eagle in a laurel wreath).

The company was noted for economic models of medium quality, produced, as reported by Letizia Jacopini, in the Settimo Torinese district, and sold under his brand. The earliest production is made of colorful celluloid pens with rolled metal decorations, gold nibs and button filler system. The body is typically stamped Marca Estense with the coat of arms of the Dukes of Este (an eagle in a laurel wreath).