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Riga 1: Riga 1:
Generally [[Blackbird]]s follow the models used by the main brand, of which they share the colour numbering and part of the [[Numerazione Swan|numbering scheme]], but are distinguished by the prefix BB, and at least initially, by the use of only the unit number corresponding to the nib. These pens are generally produced with the simplest of the available filling systems (mostly [[lever filler]]), although in parallel to the model [[Visofil Pen|Visofil]] was also introduced a model, the [[Blackbird Topfiller]], with a similar filling system.
Generally [[Blackbird]]s follow the models used by the main brand, of which they share the colour numbering and part of the [[Numerazione Swan|numbering scheme]], but are distinguished by the prefix BB, and at least initially, by the use of only the unit number corresponding to the nib. These pens are generally produced with the simplest of the available filling systems (mostly [[lever filler]]), although in parallel to the model [[Visofil Pen|Visofil]] was also introduced a model, the [[Blackbird Topfiller]], with a similar filling system (see patent {{Cite patent|GB|514513}}).

Versione delle 20:50, 18 giu 2019

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Definizione del messaggio (Blackbird)
In genere le ''Blackbird'' ricalcano i modelli usati dal marchio principale, di cui condividono la numerazione dei colori e parte dello [[Numerazione Swan|schema di numerazione]] contraddistinti però dal prefisso BB, ed almeno inizialmente, dall'uso del solo numero corrispondente al pennino. In genere si tratta di penne prodotte con il più semplice dei sistemi di caricamento disponibili (per lo più [[caricamento a levetta]]) anche se in parallelo al modello [[Visofil Pen|Visofil]] venne introdotto anche un modello [[Blackbird Topfiller]] con un caricamento analogo (vedi brevetto {{Cite patent|GB|514513}}).
TraduzioneGenerally [[Blackbird]]s follow the models used by the main brand, of which they share the colour numbering and part of the [[Numerazione Swan|numbering scheme]], but are distinguished by the prefix BB, and at least initially, by the use of only the unit number corresponding to the nib. These pens are generally produced with the simplest of the available filling systems (mostly [[lever filler]]), although in parallel to the model [[Visofil Pen|Visofil]] was also introduced a model, the [[Blackbird Topfiller]], with a similar filling system (see patent {{Cite patent|GB|514513}}).

Generally Blackbirds follow the models used by the main brand, of which they share the colour numbering and part of the numbering scheme, but are distinguished by the prefix BB, and at least initially, by the use of only the unit number corresponding to the nib. These pens are generally produced with the simplest of the available filling systems (mostly lever filler), although in parallel to the model Visofil was also introduced a model, the Blackbird Topfiller, with a similar filling system (see patent nº GB-514513).