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Versione delle 18:19, 1 lug 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Onoto)
Le origini della [[De La Rue]] risalgono al 1813, anche se l'affermazione nella produzione di stilografiche risale soltanto all'inizio del secolo scorso. L'azienda comunque operava già nell'800 nel campo degli strumenti di scrittura ed è senz'altro il più antico produttore inglese di penne stilografiche. Le sue fortune però originano da tutt'altra attività, quella dalla produzione di carte da gioco, che la portò ad un successo ancor più grande quando entrò, sfruttando le tecnologie acquisite, nel campo della produzione di carta moneta, in cui opera ancor oggi.
Traduzione[[Onoto|Onoto - De La Rue]] origin dates back to 1813, although the real start of fountain pen production dates back only at the beginning of last century. The company, however, was already operating in the 1800s in the field of writing instruments and it is the oldest British manufacturer of fountain pens. His fortune, however, stem from another activity, the production of playing cards, which led to even greater success when they entered, taking advantage of the technologies acquired for cards, in the production of paper money, in which the company is still operating.

Onoto - De La Rue origin dates back to 1813, although the real start of fountain pen production dates back only at the beginning of last century. The company, however, was already operating in the 1800s in the field of writing instruments and it is the oldest British manufacturer of fountain pens. His fortune, however, stem from another activity, the production of playing cards, which led to even greater success when they entered, taking advantage of the technologies acquired for cards, in the production of paper money, in which the company is still operating.