Cleaning a fountain pen
Cleaning a fountain pen is very important, especially when you have to store it, or when you have found it unused for a long time. For this reason, it should be washed to remove ink residues. The same applies when you want to change the colour of the ink and do not want to have a toning effect due to the remains of the previous ink. For this purpose, some instructions are available, which indicate progressively more sophisticated and deep cleaning methods; it is advisable to start from the first of those indicated below, and then move on to the next only in case of unsatisfactory results:
- "Washing", a series of considerations related to ordinary washing, sufficient in 99% of cases.
- "Cleaning the feed system", how to proceed in case of obstructions on the feeder.
- Hydrodynamic cleaner with controlled flow", how to build a do-it-yourself washing machine at no cost.
- "Ultrasonic bath", to be tried only if everything else fails, never for routine maintenance.
In a nutshell: tap water is sufficient and adequate. If you want to exaggerate, in the previous links you can find a series of additional information and in the forum you can read the discussions about the experiences on chemical cleaning aids a bit 'more energetic, also reported in the external links at the bottom of the page.