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Trovate 2 traduzioni.
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h inglese (en) | Also ''Joseph C. Lamy'' could foresee the times sensing the potential of plastic, and acquired the ''[[Artus]] Fullaltergesellschaft Kaufmann und Co.'', whose origins seem to date back to [[1935]],<ref>at least according to what is reported in [https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/318913-markant-artus-and-optimat-from-the-50s-60s/ this discussion].</ref> beginning, probably the first in Europe, to produce plastic injection pens. The first model was made with a new patented [[piston filler]] mechanism, still marketed under the [[Artus]] brand while stood out clearly from predecessors. |
h italiano (it) | Inoltre ''Joseph C. Lamy'' seppe presagire i tempi intuendo le potenzialità della plastica, ed acquisì la ''[[Artus]] Fullaltergesellschaft Kaufmann und Co'', le cui origini sembrano risalire al [[1935]],<ref>almeno secondo quanto riportato in [https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/318913-markant-artus-and-optimat-from-the-50s-60s/ questa discussione].</ref> iniziando, probabilmente per primo in Europa, a produrre penne in plastica a iniezione. Il primo modello era realizzato con un nuovo meccanismo a [[caricamento a stantuffo|stantuffo]] brevettato e pur restando commercializzato con il marchio [[Artus]] si distingueva chiaramente dai predecessori. |