Proprietà:Assigned to

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Assegnatario del brevetto, da indicare con la ragione sociale dello stesso (nome della persona o della ditta). Usare il valore del campo Applicant dell'EPO o del campo Assignee dell'USTPO.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
The Naminiki Manufacturing Company Ltd  +
Giuseppe Tibaldi  +
Firme G. Rau  +
Mirko Chelazzi, Dino Frulli  +
The Mentmore Manufacturing Company Limited  +
Firme G. Rau  +
Leopold Kutter  +
The Namiki Manufacturing Company Ltd  +
Mabie, Todd & Company Limited  +
Société anomyme des Etablissements Edac  +
Ourest Pousino  +
Yves Zuber  +
Société anomyme des Etablissements Edac  +
Société Anonyme La Plume d'Or  +
Yves Zuber  +
Firme G. Rau  +
Yves Zuber  +
The Namiki Manufacturing Company Ltd  +
Louis Badois  +
The Naminiki Manufacturing Company Ltd  +