
Elenco modelli

La tabella seguente elenca le pagine dedicate a modelli della Chilton, con una data di inizio produzione ed una di dismissione; si tenga presente comunque che in molti casi queste date, in particolare quella di dismissione, possono essere semplicemente indicative.

 Production startedProduction ended
Chilton Long Island19261935
Golden Quill19391941


Year Event
1920 Seth Sears Crocker left business and his son Seth Chilton Crocker took over the company
1923 the company is founded by Seth Chilton Crocker in Boston as Chilton Pen Company
1925 the company introduces its new pneumatic filler
1926 the company moves to Long Island and introduces first celluloid models
1927 the company introduces the second version of its pneumatic filler (or 1930?)
1930 the company introduces the Rocker clip
1935 the company introduces the Wing-flow
1936 the company introduces inlaid user intials on the Wing-flow
1937 the company patents the Lox-Top cap
1938 the company transfer activities to Summit, in New Jersey
1939 the company introduces the Golden Quill
1941 the company ceases operations