This page contains the chronology for the year. We summarize in this page all the relevant events regarding fountain pens that happened in 1883. We also list, if present in our database, any patent applied in the year, and also the ads or document scans which publication date is in the same year.
- Kaweco is founded by Luce, Ensslen in Heidelberg as Heidelberger Federhalterfabrik
- Waterman is founded by Lewis E. Waterman in New York
Caricamento in corso...
- Patent US-295395, applied in 1883, by Hezekiah Hewitt, Ormiston & Glass. Metallic Pen.
- Patent US-298767, applied in 1883, by James Morton, A. Morton & Co.. Fountain pen-holder.
- Patent US-298582, applied in 1883, by John A. Holland, John Holland Pen Company. Fountain-pen.