This page contains the chronology for the year. We summarize in this page all the relevant events regarding fountain pens that happened in 1903. We also list, if present in our database, any patent applied in the year, and also the ads or document scans which publication date is in the same year.
- Etienne Forbin become agent for some U.S. writing instruments manufacturers, is the Bayard origin
- Conklin Pen Manufacturing Co. hires Mark Twain as testimonial in its advertisement campaign
- Eclipse is founded by Marx Finstone in San Francisco as Eclipse Fountain Pen Co.
- Eugène Moreau establish the Société Anonyme des anciens établissements Paillard
- Christian Olsen sign an agreement with Parker for their pens distribution
- Waterman introduces the second version of its pump filler
Caricamento in corso...
- Patent US-744642, applied in 1903, by Harry W. Stone, A. A. Waterman. Fountain-pen.
- Patent US-732117, applied in 1903, by Albert E. Schaaf, Autofiller. Fountain-pen.
- Patent GB-190308198, applied in 1903, by Eduard Reisert, Klio-Werk. Improvements in or relating to Fountain Pens.
- Patent US-756076, applied in 1903, by Huston Taylor, Aikin Lambert. Fountain-pen-filling device.
- Patent DE-152729, applied in 1903, by Ignaz Timar, Unbranded. Tintenfaß mit einem Vorratsbehälter und einem seitlichen Entnahmehälter.
- Patent US-763517, applied in 1903, by Harry W. Stone, A. A. Waterman. Pen.
- Patent US-768779, applied in 1903, by Harry W. Stone, A. A. Waterman. Fountain-pen.
- Patent US-772193, applied in 1903, by De Witt C. Van Valer, A. A. Waterman. Pen.
- Patent US-772467, applied in 1903, by Rhodes G. Lockwood, Sterling Fountain Pen. Self-filling fountain-pen.
- Patent US-758930, applied in 1903, by George S. Parker, The Parker Pen Company. Fountain-pen.
- Patent US-D036798, applied in 1903, by Egon Lothar Schmitz, Eberhard-Faber. Design for a lead-pencil.