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[[Image:Logo-Columbus.svg|center|500px|Logo Columbus]]
[[Image:Logo-Columbus.svg|center|500px|Logo Columbus]]
La [[Columbus]] è stata fondata nel [[1918]], ed è stato uno dei primi produttori di penne stilografiche nato in Italia.  Le penne della [[Columbus]], come molte altre analoghe produzioni italiane, erano delle imitazioni dei modelli prodotti delle più famose ditte americane; erano però di buona qualità, e di ottima realizzazione stilistica, cosa che fa rientrare l'azienda fra le più significative del panorama italiano.{{Infobox_Marca|Columbus}}{{BrandData|Founder=Eugenio Verga, Alfredo Verga|Date=1918|Place=Milano|Country=IT|Fullname=Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga Snc}}
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[[Columbus]] was founded in [[1918]] and was between the firsts Italian fountain pens manufacturers. The  [[Columbus]] pens, like many other similar productions in Italy, were imitations of the more famous American brand models, however they had good quality and excellent style, and for these reason the company is considered to be between the most significant brands of the Italian market.{{Infobox_Brand|Columbus}}{{BrandData|Founder=Eugenio Verga, Alfredo Verga|Date=1918|Place=Milano|Country=IT|Fullname=Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga Snc}}
[[Columbus]] was founded in [[1918]] and was between the firsts Italian fountain pens manufacturers. The  [[Columbus]] pens, like many other similar productions in Italy, were imitations of the more famous American brand models, however they had good quality and excellent style, and for these reason the company is considered to be between the most significant brands of the Italian market.{{Infobox_Brand|Columbus}}{{BrandData|Founder=Eugenio Verga, Alfredo Verga|Date=1918|Place=Milano|Country=IT|Fullname=Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga Snc}}
== History ==  
== History ==
On May 19, [[1918]] the Eugenio and Alfredo Verga brothers founded in Milan the ''Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga Snc'',<ref>meaning ''Alfredo Verga Society of the Verga Brothers''.</ref>, with headquarters in Corso di Porta Romana n.80. ''Alfredo Verga'' already worked as a trader for [[Conway Stewart]], while ''Eugenio Verga'' was a salesman for the ''[[Uhlmann's Eterno]]''. The purpose of the new company was to enter the market with production and sales of fountain pens, nibs, ink and stationery. Eugenio chose the name of their products, [[Columbus]], while Alfredo gave the company his name; the same year the first fountain pen, called ''Columbus Safety Pen nr. 1'', was produced.
On May 19, [[1918]] the Eugenio and Alfredo Verga brothers founded in Milan the ''Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga Snc'',<ref>meaning ''Alfredo Verga Society of the Verga Brothers''.</ref>, with headquarters in Corso di Porta Romana n.80. ''Alfredo Verga'' already worked as a trader for [[Conway Stewart]], while ''Eugenio Verga'' was a salesman for the ''[[Uhlmann's Eterno]]''. The purpose of the new company was to enter the market with production and sales of fountain pens, nibs, ink and stationery. Eugenio chose the name of their products, [[Columbus]], while Alfredo gave the company his name; the same year the first fountain pen, called ''Columbus Safety Pen nr. 1'', was produced.
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