|Note_en=Advertising for four different models: a [[Safety Screw Cap]] (referred to as ''"Size 2c"'') a [[Swan Pen]] with friction cap (referred to as ''"Size 1"''), an allegedly [[Safety Screw Cap]] silver-coated (referred to as ''"Size 2c"'') and and a pen with a [[slip cap]] (referred to as ''"Size 1"'). | |Note_en=Advertising for four different models: a [[Safety Screw Cap]] (referred to as ''"Size 2c"'') a [[Swan Pen]] with friction cap (referred to as ''"Size 1"''), an allegedly [[Safety Screw Cap]] silver-coated (referred to as ''"Size 2c"'') and and a pen with a [[slip cap]] (referred to as ''"Size 1"'). |